About Ontario Construction News

Ontario Construction News is a newspaper serving Ontario’s architectural, engineering and construction industry. Content including bidding opportunities, tenders, and news will be published in a tabloid PDF format online at ontarioconstructionnews.com that you can view online, request by email, or subscribe, in PDF format or digital format.

2650547 Ontario Ltd. publishes Ontario Construction News daily, serving as a place for construction industry professionals to publish legal notices and certificates as a construction trade newspaper.

In choosing to advertise here, you acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to ensure that your project qualifies under the terms and provisions of the new Ontario Construction Act, which went into effect July 1, 2018, and that the project you are advertising is not subject to transitional provisions that would require compliance with the previous Ontario Construction Lien Act.

Should you become aware of any errors in your advertisement after it is published, please advise us of the errors and we will use best efforts to provide a corrected insertion in Ontario Construction News at no further cost. For further information, please review our terms of service at www.ontarioconstructionnews.com/termsofservice-privacypolicy, which you agree to accept by making use of any services on this website.

We publish a daily eletter and supplement it with the monthly OCN magazines incorporating regional news for Ottawa, northern Ontario and the GTA, as well as other regions of the province.

Bidding and opportunities data is provided through the co-operation of DataBid.com, for which you can request a free trial subscription at this link.

We will also publish tender and bidding notices — and municipalities and public agencies can during the introductory period, publicize these opportunities both in online format and through newspaper display advertisements without charge. For more information, contact Chase at ch***@on*********************.com, or phone (905) 228-1121.

ocr bids tendersNews releases and announcements are welcome and these can be sent by email to Editor Robin MacLennan at rmaclennan@ontarioconstructionnews.com. Reach the OCN office at (888) 627-8717 ext 114 and Katherine Jeffrey will direct your call.

Our mailing address is Suite 57, 1554 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON K1Z 7M4.