Bertram builds $3 million Simcoe County paramedic station on schedule despite expedited winter construction challenges


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Bertram Construction (Ontario) Ltd. Is working on construction of a new Elmvale Paramedic Station for Simcoe County.

The $3 million project is expected to be completed in early October, following an expedited nine-month construction schedule.

The 544 sq. m. Single story building includes a 329 sq. m. dual bay paramedic station with a lounge (ready room), offices and backup generator. There is also a 225 sq. m. low capacity day centre for seniors including a patio, Murphy beds, and barrier-free conditions.

โ€œWe were given the green light to start construction in late 2018, with our mobilization the first week of December,โ€ says project co-ordinator Tyson DeNobrega.ย  The rapid construction schedule meant excavation and foundations need to be completed โ€œthrough the dead of winter,โ€ he said.

โ€œMeasures had to be taken to prevent the ground from freezing and to provide the concrete footings/foundation walls with a proper environment to cure. An insulated tarp tunnel with forced air propane heaters in conjunction with stage excavation were use to fen off the bitter winter weather.

โ€œIt was a difficult task but with the proper panning and the dedicated work of our superintendent and forming contractor, the foundations were complete on time an passed inspections with flying colours,โ€ DeNobrega said.


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