CBA schedules program combining golf and exploring upcoming Ontario Construction Act revisions

CBA golf day image

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) has scheduled a Toronto event combining an afternoonโ€™s golfing with a panel discussion exploring upcoming revisions to the Ontario Construction Act.

The May 31 day at the Eagles Nest Golf Club combines socializing and networking opportunities with an accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program.

The Ontario government is currently reviewing updates the provinceโ€™s construction legislation.

Panelists for the program titled โ€œLegislative Reform: The Next Update to the Construction Actโ€ include moderator Joshua Strubo from Margie Strub Construction Law LLP; Brendan Bowles, Glaholt Bowles LLP; Chris Moran, Maple Reinders Group; and Samantha Ambrozy, Toronto Transit Commission.

For further information and to register, see this link:


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