Publication Date: 15th November, 2019
Location of premises
City of Belleville
90 Bell Blvd., Belleville, Ontario K8P 4Y7
Construction and fit out of new 1 storey, 4,500 square feet free standing Scotiabank Branch
Substantially performed:
8th November, 2019
Certificate signed:
8th November, 2019
Name of Owner
The Bank of Nova Scotia, Real Estate Department
Address of Owner
44 King Street West, 21 Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1H1
Name of Contractor
Mirtren Construction Limited
Address of Contractor
50 Nashdene Road, Unit 110, Toronto, Ontario M1V 5J2
Name of Payment Certifier
Dutra Architect Inc.
Address of Payment Certifier
49 Spadina Avenue, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2J1
Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:
90 Bell Blvd., Belleville, Ontario K8P 4Y7