Publication Date: 11th October, 2019
Location of premises
City of Hamilton
135 Fennel Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario L9C 0E5
Mohawk College Career Pathways Interior Renovations & Expansion
Substantially performed:
8th October, 2019
Certificate signed:
8th October, 2019
Name of Owner
Mohawk College
Address of Owner
135 Fennel Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario L9C 0E5
Name of Contractor
Address of Contractor
2211 Plains Road East, Burlington, ON L7R 3R3
Name of Payment Certifier
David Premi, DPAI Architecture Inc.
Address of Payment Certifier
25 Main Street West, Suite 1800, Hamilton, ON L8P 1H1
Identification of premises for preservation of liens:
135 Fennel Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario L9C 0E5