Publication Date: 2nd July, 2019
Location of premises
City of Ottawa
750 Ridgewood Ave.
Interior Renovations to Existing Building
Substantially performed:
17th June, 2019
Certificate signed:
17th June, 2019
Name of Owner
St. jElias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
Address of Owner
750 Ridgewood Ave., Ottawa, ON K2E 7S8
Name of Contractor
Bond Group Ottawa 2018 Inc.
Address of Contractor
59 Farlane Blvd. Nepean, ON K2E 5H3
Name of Payment Certifier
Woodman Architect & Associates Ltd.
Address of Payment Certifier
201-4 Beechwood Ave. Ottawa, ON K2E 7S8
Identification of premises for preservation of liens:
St Elias Banquet facility, 750 Ridgewood Ave Ottawa on