Elcore Construction – #7050 -431 Talisman Dr. – Town of Gravenhurst


    Publication Date: 5th November, 2020
    Location of premises

    Town of Gravenhurst

    431 Talisman Dr., Gravenhurst, ON P1P 0A7


    Renovation to existing Canadian Tire Store #62

    Substantially performed: 1st October, 2020
    Certificate signed: 3rd November, 2020


    Name of Owner
    Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd.
    Address of Owner
    2180 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4P 2V8
    Name of Contractor
    Elcore Construction Inc.
    Address of Contractor
    2861 Sherwood Heights Dr. #24, Oakville, ON L6J 7K1
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Jeremy Pope, Turner Fleischer Architects
    Address of Payment Certifier
    67 Lesmill Rd., Toronto, ON M3B 2T8

    Identification of premises for preservation of liens:

    PT LT 4-5 CON WMR MUSKOKA PT 1 & 5 35R7122, PT 1 35R5250, PT 2 & 3 35R8136 & PT 1 & 2 35R5107; GRAVENHURST ; THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA