R&M Construction – #6264 – 1306 Lakeshore Road – Town of Oakville


    Publication Date: 5th May, 2020
    Location of premises

    Town of Oakville

    1306 Lakeshore Road, Oakville


    Gairloch Gardens Shoreline Rehabilitation, Construction of Dingle Park Shoreline Repair

    Substantially performed: 1st May, 2020
    Certificate signed: 4th May, 2020


    Name of Owner
    Town of Oakville
    Address of Owner
    1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Ontario L6H 0H3
    Name of Contractor
    560789 Ontario Limited, o/a R&M Construction
    Address of Contractor
    254 Main Street North, Acton ON L7J 1W9
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Jane Graham P.Eng. Shoreplan Engineering Limited
    Address of Payment Certifier
    20 Holly Street, Suite 202 Toronto Ontario, M4S 3B1

    Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:

    The Corporation of the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3