Construction of $12 million Greensville school could begin next month

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By Ontario Construction News staff reporter

The provincial government has approved tendering up to around $12 million for the construction of an elementary school in Greensville.

The new elementary school will be built on the former Greensville site, located at 625 Harvest Rd.

Following the approval, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board can now move forward to award the construction contract, CBC News reports.

Jane Macpherson, superintendent of student achievement, said in a statement that the construction of the new school could begin in September.

The new school will have space for 381 students and will also include two child-care rooms. The City of Hamilton community centre and Hamilton Public Library branch will follow the construction of the school, creating the Greensville Community Hub project.

Construction is expected to take 12 to 16 months to complete.


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