DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

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Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from

Eastern Ontario

OCDSB Data Cabling Contractors RFSQ

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Ottawa

Detail Of Services: The District requires the services of network and telecom data cabling contractors experienced with the installation, termination, and service of data closet infrastructure, Cat5e / Cat6 / Cat6a / Cat7 / fibre optic network cabling, District provided wireless access points, and accurate supporting documentation (as-builts, cable scans, etc…) in institutional buildings. The successful respondents will be eligible to provide data cabling services for new school construction, addition or renovation projects. The District is standardizing on the Panduit format; however, a number of sites exist with the Nordx format. No other formats would be considered throughout the District. In the cases of new school construction or school additions projects, prequalified cabling contractors would be eligible to work as subcontractors to the general contractor.

Questions Contact: Questions related to this report are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System by clicking on the Submit a Question button associated with this opportunity.

Laurentian Valley Various Municipal Parking Lots Snow Clearing

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Pembroke

Detail Of Services: Snow Clearing of Various Municipal Parking Lots

Questions Contact: Mark D. Behm, C. Tech. Public Works Manager


OCDSB Windows Subcontractor RFSQ

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Ottawa

Detail Of Services: This Request for Supplier Qualifications (“RFSQ”) is an invitation by Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (the “District”) to prospective respondents to qualify for eligibility to provide sub-contractors for windows as further described in Section A of the RFSQ Particulars (Appendix A) (the “Deliverables”).This RFSQ is to qualify for future responses to provide the services and material required to supply and install commercial/institutional grade windows meeting District specifications as a window sub-contractor to District pre-qualified general contractors.

Questions Contact: Questions related to this report are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System by clicking on the Submit a Question button associated with this opportunity.

Northern Ontario

Manitouwadge Kiwissa Ski Hill Light Replacement

Industry Name: Outdoor Light/Power

Trade Name: Park Lighting

Project Street: 1 Ski Hill Rd.

Project City: Manitouwadge

Detail Of Services: Kiwissa Ski Hill Light Replacement

Questions Contact: Joleen Keough, Clerk Email:


Southern Ontario

Kincardine Ash Tree Removal

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sitework/Clearing/Tree Removal

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Kincardine

Detail Of Services: The Municipality of Kincardine is seeking the services of experienced and qualified contractors to remove municipal trees affected by the invasive Emerald Ash Borer invasive beetle. The Municipality operates an extensive trail network, and the purpose of this solicitation is to secure a contractor who will remove hazardous Ash trees that threaten select areas of the Kincardine trail network.

Questions Contact: Mike Di Giovanni, Manager of Parks and Facilities


Owen Sound Streetlight System Maintenance

Industry Name: Outdoor Light/Power

Trade Name: Street/Roadway/Parking Lot Lighting

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Owen Sound

Detail Of Services: The City of Owen Sound is seeking a qualified contractor for the provision of Streetlight System Maintenance. The City is seeking a qualified electrical Contractor for the installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of the entire streetlight system, including but not limited to the installation, repairs and maintenance of streetlight fixtures, overhead and underground wires, grounding rods, poles and arms. It should be noted that this Contract includes streetlight services in areas other than roadways. These locations include municipally owned properties, such as lanes, pathways, municipal parking lots, City Hall, Harrison Park and Kelso Beach at Nawash Park.

Questions Contact: Lauren Stewart Email:


Ingersoll Geotechnical Enviro Services

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sitework/Clearing/Tree Removal

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Ingersoll

Detail Of Services: The Town of Ingersoll is currently accepting proposals to perform various environmental and geotechnical engineering and investigations throughout the town at locations and depths as the Town completes various infrastructure construction projects annually where Environmental and Geotechnical services (including excess soil management) are required.

Questions Contact: Questions related to this report are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System by clicking on the Submit a Question button associated with this opportunity.


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