DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from You can access this list by registering for a free subscription to Ontario Construction News.

Eastern Ontario

UCDSB Westminster Public School Architectural Services

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: 29 Central Ave W

Project City: Brockville

Detail Of Services: The Board is seeking the services of a pre-qualified Architectural Firm to provide architectural and consulting services including Design Development, assistance with Contract Documents & Tender development, and Construction & Contract Administration for the renovations as further specified. Summary of Scope:โ€ข Design Addition Scope to Ministry approved Space Template consisting of; โ€ข (1) 4,470 sf Gymnasium and Stage โ€ข (1) 330 sf Gymnasium Storage โ€ข (2) 400 sf Change rooms โ€ข (1) 130 sf Chair Storage in Gymnasium โ€ข (1) 128 sf Kitchen โ€ข 200 sf Custodial areas โ€ข 835 sf Washrooms including Universal washroom โ€ข 150 sf Mechanical spaces โ€ข Corridor circulation โ€ข Replace Emergency and Exit Lighting โ€ข Renovations to existing gym, stage, classroom (100) and admin offices for new Childcare spaces (Toddler and Infant), New Childcare staff, kitchen, washroom, rest and storage areas, new school administration area including staff room, academic storage, New Principal and VP Offices. Renovations to various other existing spaces. โ€ข Sketch-in future portables โ€ข Retrofit school HVAC/Ventilation and design addition for HVAC โ€ข Replace Asphalt in non-enclosed courtyard with interlocking bricks โ€ข Modernize remaining classrooms โ€ข Install solar panels (net metering) to offset AC utility cost โ€ข Repair playing fields due to new addition, revise childcare fenced in area โ€ข Exterior site sign – Bronze level

Questions Contact:

Project Link:

Ottawa Pooleys Bridge Renewal

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Bridges/Pedestrian Bridges

Project Street: Wellington Street

Project City: Ottawa

Detail Of Services: To provide all labour, equipment and material for the Pooley’s Bridge Renewal project.

Questions Contact: Julie-Ann Williams 613-580-2400 ext. 15102 Julie-An**********@ot****.ca

Project Link:

Ottawa Vanier Works Garage RTU Replacements

Industry Name: Public Buildings

Trade Name: Emergency Services Facilities

Project Street: ,256 McArthur Ave

Project City: Vanier

Detail Of Services: To provide all labour, equipment and materials for the RTU Replacements at Vanier Works Garage.

Questions Contact: Michelle Lemieux 613-580-2424 ext. 13079 mi**************@ot****.ca

Project Link:

Southern Ontario

Hamilton Bridge Rehabilitation & Roadwork

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Bridges/Pedestrian Bridges

Project Street: Kings Street West

Project City: Hamilton

Detail Of Services: A brief summary of the work involved in this Contract is for the supply and installation of sewer, watermains, water valves, roadway, curb and sidewalk reconstruction, bridge and retaining wall works and consists of approximately: o 5515 square metres of road reconstruction o 478 linear metres of 300mm diameter watermain o 38 linear metres of 300mm diameter HDPE watermain (Directional Drilling) o 4 linear metres of 200mm diameter watermain o 500 linear metres of storm sewer replacement/installation o Construction of new headwall and plunge pool for storm sewer outfall o Replacement of Bridge #248 including associated retaining walls o Construction of new north and south pile & lagging type retaining walls o 1300 linear metres of curb reconstruction o 600 square metres of concrete sidewalk and approaches o Pavement Markings o Construction of Street Lighting and associated works

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:00:00 AM (EST) Barbara Kinrade, CPPB Procurement Specialist Phone: (905) 546-2424, ext. 5422 Email: ba*************@ha******.ca

Project Link:

TDSB Brian Public School Parking Lot Restoration

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: 95 Brian Dr

Project City: North York

Detail Of Services: Parking Lot Restoration at Brian Public School

Questions Contact: Bidders are to submit all questions in writing through the TDSB Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request. Deadline for Questions: February 10, 2020 at 12:00 PM

Project Link:

Sarnia Water Pollution Control Centre High Efficiency Blower Supply

Industry Name: Industrial

Trade Name: Pollution Control Facilities/Plants

Project Street: 333 St. Andrew Street

Project City: Sarnia

Detail Of Services: The City of Sarnia is seeking fixed price bids for the supply and commissioning of a new energy efficient blower for the aeration system at the Sarnia Water Pollution Control Centre (WPCC). The WPCC is located at 333 St. Andrew Street. The new blower is intended to provide greater operational flexibility and reduce energy costs. The City is seeking Proposals from responsible proponents that have the necessary qualifications and experience to supply a new high efficiency blower and associated equipment to replace an existing aeration blower.

Questions Contact: Bidders are to submit all questions in writing through the City of Sarnia Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request. Deadline for Questions: February 3, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Project Link:

AMDSB Listowel District Secondary School North Parking Lot Improvements

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Parking/Paving

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Various

Detail Of Services: The Work is the supply of all labour, equipment and materials necessary to resurface the asphalt parking lot at Listowel District Secondary School, including: โ€ข Removing and disposing of existing asphalt and granulars. โ€ข The supply and installation of approximately 125 m of storm sewer with catch basins and maintenance structures. โ€ข Removing and replacing existing fencing around parking lot. โ€ข Resurfacing work of approximately 2,200 m2, which includes the installation sub-drains, Granular โ€˜Bโ€™ and โ€˜Aโ€™, HL4 asphalt and concrete sidewalks. โ€ข Restoration of the site upon completion of the work.

Questions Contact: Sarah Draper RJ Burnside & Associates Ltd. Phone: 226-476-3114 Email: Sa**********@rj********.com

Project Link:

Northern Ontario

CSCNO Notre Dame du Sault Barrier Free Ramp

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: 600 North Street

Project City: Sault Ste. Marie

Detail Of Services: Le Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario is seeking qualified bidders to provide all labour and material required to complete this scope of work and satisfy all requirements/provisions of this request for tender (RFT).

Questions Contact: Nancy Bourassa 705-673-5626 ext. 247 na************@no******.ca

Project Link:

CSPGNO Ecole Publique Foyer Jeunesse HVAC Upgrades

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: Schools

Project Street: 4752 Notre Dame Avenue

Project City: Hanmer

Detail Of Services: Ecole publique Foyer-Jeunesse – HVAC Upgrades

Questions Contact: Andre Vรฉzina an**********@cs****.ca

Project Link:

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