DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

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Southern Ontario

Fort Erie Hydro Tree Removals โ€“ May 2019

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sitework

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Fort Erie

Detail Of Services: The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie is inviting submissions from interested, qualified bidders to provide any and all labour, materials and equipment necessary to perform tree removals (including stump removal) at the addresses specified within the bid document.

Note that contractors will be required to produce the following Line Clearing Qualifications prior to commencing the work:

โ€ข Utility Arborist 444B

โ€ข ISA Certified Arborist Utility Specialist

โ€ข E.U.S.A.

โ€ข Certified Utility Work Protection Code

Questions Contact: Randi Martins, Manager, Purchasing and Finance Services

Phone: 905-871-1600 ext. 2303

Email: rm******@fo******.ca

Project Link:

Toronto Dorset Pumping Station Replacement

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Pump Station/Pumphouse

Project Street: Dorset Road

Project City: Toronto

Detail Of Services: The following is a general, but not necessarily complete, description of the work to be constructed under the Contract. The list below is not intended to specify the order of construction/execution:

1. Demolition and removal of the existing Dorset Pumping Station, adjacent valve chamber, and associated electrical feed;

2. Construction of a factory-built, underground, pre-packaged pumping station complete with pumps, piping, valves, instrumentation, heating and ventilation equipment, and lighting, including coordination with the supplier to ensure there are no omissions;

3. Construction of an aboveground, weatherproof electrical enclosure to house the electrical panels;

4. Relocation and installation of the existing CPU (inside the PLC panel) from the Dorset Pumping Station into the new PLC panel;

5. Replacement of the underground electrical feed and hydro meter;

6. Programming, integration and commissioning;

7. Yard piping: removal, reconnection, support and protection of existing services and installation and connection of new, including live trapping and valves;

8. Excavation, shoring, and backfilling;

9. Restoration, grading and landscaping.

Questions Contact: Buyer: Lee, Rachel

Phone number: 416-392-1265

Email: rl***@to*****.ca

Project Link:

GEDSB Cayuga Secondary School Digital Sign Supply & Install

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Signage

Project Street: 70 Highway 54

Project City: Cayuga

Detail Of Services: The Bid Call is for a Project consisting of the supplying and installing a new digital sign for Cayuga Secondary School.

Questions Contact: Lisa Summerhayes, Purchasing Clerk

Phone: 519 756 6301 Ext 281294


Project Link:

Eastern Ontario

DCC Petawawa 427 Special Operations Air Squadron Hangar Replacement

Industry Name: Government

Trade Name: Military

Project City: Petawawa

Detail Of Services: Purpose of this Advance Procurement Notice: This is not a bid solicitation. This is an advance notice of a potential project with anticipated security requirements to provide interested contractors an opportunity to apply for security clearances. Note that there is no guarantee that this project will proceed.

Description of the Project: This project is for the development and construction of a new Hanger Replacement for the 427 Special Operations Air Squadron (SOAS) at Garrison Petawawa which will consist of 8,500 sq m of new built space and 105,000 sq m of exterior space. The new space may consist of training facilities, warehousing, aircraft hangar space, maintenance workshops, kitchens and accommodations. Included in the construction of the facility could be roads, aircraft ramps and runways, aircraft control facilities, fences, utilities, storm and sewer lines, and communications. The proposed site is adjacent to an active runway.

Description of the Services: The delivery model of the project is in development, however, the services to be procured may include: Design of the facilities, renovations, and supporting infrastructure and Construction of the facility and supporting infrastructure. Potential procurement structures may include, but are not limited to, Modified Design Build and Design-Bid-Build, the final procurement structure will be determined at a later date.

Overall project value is estimated at $85,000,000.00. The tender is expected to be advertised in the Winter of 2019 and may use a pre-qualification process. This is conditional on the project receiving approval to proceed by the Department of National Defence (DND).

Questions Contact: Cameron King

Phone: 613-384-1256 ext. 225

Email: OR************@dc*****.ca

Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed Only to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.

Project Link:

Quinte West Tuckers Corners Roof Replacement

Industry Name: Public Buildings

Trade Name: Other Public Buildings

Project Street: 1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road

Project City: Quinte West

Detail Of Services: The City is now accepting proposals for the replacement of the Flat Roof at our 1620 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road Office and Hall Facility known commonly as Tuckers Corners and Centennial Hall. Proponents are invited to submit a proposal that will describe in detail how they will carry out the work and what product they are suggesting will best serve the requirements for this location. The works include all labour, materials, equipment and supplies to effectively remove and dispose of the existing Flat Roof and Replace the same with new. We are also soliciting comments on condition and possible quotes on the remainder of the Shingle Type Roof.

Questions Contact: Janet Powers, Purchasing Supervisor

Fax: 613-392-0714

Email: pu********@qu********.ca

Deadline for Questions: May 13, 2019 at 2:00 PM Project Link:

Quinte West Pelham Street Roof Replacement

Industry Name: Public Buildings

Trade Name: Other Public Buildings

Project Street: 30 Pelham St.

Project City: Quinte West

Detail Of Services: The City is now accepting proposals for the installation of a roof over the existing metal roof, replacement of existing eave troughs, downspouts and perimeter flashings. The works include all labour, materials, equipment and supplies.

Questions Contact: Janet Powers, Purchasing Supervisor

Fax: 613-392-0714

Email: pu********@qu********.ca

Deadline for Questions: May 13, 2019 at 2:00 PM

Project Link:

Northern Ontario

TBSSA Spence Court Window & Door Replacement

Industry Name: Residential

Trade Name: Social Housing

Project Street: 231 W Amelia

Project City: Thunder Bay

Detail Of Services: The TBDSSAB invites Bid Submissions (Bids) from qualified contractors for the removal of existing doors and windows with the coordination and installation of new doors & windows with all accessories in the Common Room and Suite 410.

Questions Contact: Bidders are to submit all questions in writing through the TSSAB Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request.

Questions Deadline: May 8, 2019 at 12:00 PM

Project Link:

Timmins Schumacher Forcemain Repairs

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Timmins

Detail Of Services: Schumacher Forcemain Repairs (from McIntyre Rd. to Hwy. 655) in the City of Timmins

Questions Contact: Bidders are to submit all questions in writing through the City of Timmins Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request.

Deadline for Questions: May 9, 2019 at 4:00 PM

Project Link:

Timmins Marlins Swim Club Submersible Pumps Supply & Delivery

Industry Name: Leisure/Recreation

Trade Name: Aquatic Centre

Project Street: 396 Theriault Boulevard

Project City: Timmins

Detail Of Services: Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Submersible Pumps

Questions Contact: Bidders are to submit all questions in writing through the City of Timmins Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request.

Project Link:

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