DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from You can receive unlimited access to this list by registering for a Gold subscription to Ontario Construction News.

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Eastern Ontario

FRANCOachat/CSDCEO EEC l’Ange-Gardien Outdoor Courtyard Landscaping

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control

Project Street: 4831 2nd Line Rd

Project City: North Lancaster

Detail Of Services: The Council wishes to obtain construction services from a pre-qualified contractor to complete an exterior landscaping at l’Ange-Gardien Catholic Elementary School, 4831 2nd Line Rd, North Lancaster, ON K0C 1Z0.Work should begin no later than October 3, 2022 and end no later than October 31, 2022.

Questions Contact: Mario Lemieux


Quinte West Huff Avenue Industrial Park Extension

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Quinte West

Detail Of Services: The work involves the supply of all labour, equipment, and materials for the extension of Huff Avenue from the existing limits to the new design limits. The work items include: traffic control, the installation of new watermain including its services and all appurtenances, installation of sanitary trunk sewer and its services, ditching, installation of CSP culvert, full depth asphalt removal, road base excavation, hydroseed, supply and placement of Type II Limestone Granular A & B, hot mix asphalt paving, line painting, and rock excavation.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: September 8, 2022 at 12:00pm Procedural Contact Email:


Northern Ontario

Thunder Bay McVicar Creek River Street Culvert Replacement

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: River Street Culvert at McVicar Creek

Project City: Thunder Bay

Detail Of Services: The Replacement of the River Street Culvert at McVicar Creek project involves the removal of two-4.88 m diameter CSP culverts and concrete headwalls and constructing a new 12.5 m x 4.5 m steel arch culvert on concrete footings. The project involves asphalt, sidewalks, curb and gutters, steel beam guide rail, excavation and grading, watermain and sanitary sewer replacement, manhole and catch basin replacement, temporary flow passage and dewatering systems, installation of rock dowels, cast-in-place concrete footings, backfill, rock placement, and slope stabilization.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: September 7, 2022 at 12:00pm

Southern Ontario

Mississauga Slope Stabilization & Storm Sewer Replacement Britannia Rd East & Luke Rd

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Mississauga

Detail Of Services: The Project includes but is not limited to the followings: traffic management; tree protection and pruning; excavation and filling for slope stabilization; removal and disposal of sewer, pipe culvert, maintenance holes, catch basins, and ditch inlet; abandoning sewer pipes; removal and disposal of curb and gutter and asphalt pavement; installation of concrete and PVC sewer pipes; backfilling with granular materials and unshrinkable fills; supply and installation of maintenance holes, catch basin and ditch inlet; supply and installation of armour stone; supply and installation of coir matt; supply and installation of vegetated riprap with hand placed river stone; supply, installation and maintenance of terra seeding; supply, installation and maintenance of plants and shrubs; construction of curb and gutter; supply and placement of asphalt concrete for road pavement; and restore pavement marking along roadway.

Questions Contact: Bill Inglis, Buyer Phone : 905-615-3200 ext. 4097 Email:


If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity please direct your inquiry to the contact person listed in the bid document. You may also contact the City of Mississauga Materiel Management section by calling 905-615-3200, extension 5233 or by email at:



Windsor Wigle Park Parking Lot Asphalt Paving

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Parking/Paving

Project Street: 397 Erie Street E

Project City: Windsor

Detail Of Services: To supply and deliver all labour, materials, equipment, services, inspections, and permits as required for the construction of the Wigle Park parking lot, including placement of granular base to grade, placement of HL3 and HL4 asphalt pavement, line painting, curb cut, approach concrete, curbs, and storm water management, all in accordance with specifications and drawings, at Wigle Park, 397 Erie Street E., Windsor, ON N9A 3X3.

Questions Contact: Purchasing Division Phone: 519-255-6272 Fax: 519-255-9891 Email:


Barrie Kidd’s Creek Marina Dredging

Industry Name: Water/Marine Construction

Trade Name: Dredging

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Barrie

Detail Of Services: Kidd’s Creek Marina Dredging

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Post bid closing communications in relation to this project may be made via email to:


. Questions Deadline: Thu Sep 8, 2022 2:00:00 PM (EDT)

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