Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from DataBid.com. You can receive unlimited access to this list by registering for a Gold subscription to Ontario Construction News.
Eastern Ontario
Renfrew County Pembroke Affordable Multi-Residential Housing
Industry Name: Residential
Trade Name: Social Housing/Public Housing
Project Street: Lea & Douglas Street
Project City: Pembroke
Detail Of Services: The County of Renfrew is constructing a multi-residential housing project in the City of Pembroke. The project will be to provide building construction for a multi-residential facility including site services, site work, landscaping, parking, and fit-up. Work is to include but not limited to all labour, materials, equipment, transportation, supervision, security, permits, disposal and incidentals required to completed this project.
Questions Contact: All inquiries regarding this request for tender are to be directed through the bidding portal using the Submit a Question feature. Questions Deadline: December 1, 2022 at 4:00pm
Industry Canada CRC Shirley’s Bay Building 2B Window Replacement Project
Industry Name: Government
Trade Name: Other Government Facilities
Project Street: 3701 Carling Ave.
Project City: Ottawa
Detail Of Services: The department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, specifically the Communications Research Centre (CRC) is seeking offers from contractors interested in providing all labour, material, and equipment for the installation of a Building 2B Window Replacement Project as per Specifications and Supplemental Instructions provided to the bidders whom attend the mandatory job showing.
Questions Contact: Anne Nino Phone: 343-572-8900 Email:
Killaloe Hagarty & Richards Demolition & Removal 156-160 Queen Street
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Demolition/Structure Moving
Project Street: 156-160 Queen Street
Project City: Killaloe
Detail Of Services: The structures located at 156-160 Queen Street, Killaloe, Ontario are to be demolished and removed. By submitting a request for proposal, the contractor acknowledges that they have the necessary qualifications, experience and ability to provide the specified project deliverables, services and works to the Township.
Questions Contact: Tammy Gorgerat 613-757-2300
Northern Ontario
Fort Frances Microgrid Feasibility Study
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Fort Frances
Detail Of Services: The purpose of the request for proposal is to retain a reputable consulting firm to undertake a feasibility study for developing and deploying a community-wide electric microgrid, capable of operating in both a grid connected and island mode, to power the entire Town of Fort Frances, using locally available and/or greenfield Distributed Energy Resources (DER’s). The Town of Fort Frances intends to leverage the results of this study to gain the necessary support from community, business, and investment partners, to deploy the most feasible community-wide microgrid solution identified in this study.
Questions Contact: Joerg Ruppenstein President & CEO Fort Frances Power Corporation (FFPC) Email:
Deadline for Questions: December 1, 2022 at 3:00pm
Timmins Building Demolition & Yard Clean Up
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Demolition/Structure Moving
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Timmins
Detail Of Services: Building Demolition Tender-66 Dwyer Schumacher, On &Building Demolition Tender & Yard Clean-up 48 Dunn South Porcupine, On
Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: November 14, 2022 at 9:00pm
Southern Ontario
Cambridge Whistle Cessation Railway Grade Crossing Safety Assessment
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Cambridge
Detail Of Services: The City would like to secure services of a consulting firm to conduct a review of At-grade Railway Crossings in the City of Cambridge following Transport Canada Grade Crossings Regulations and Grade Crossings Standards for the implementation of Whistle Cessation.
Questions Contact: Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this tender document shall be made in writing only, via Bonfire Hub. Questions related to this bid are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System only by clicking on the Ask a Question button associated with this bid opportunity. Andrea Geoffrey Procurement Coordinator Email:
Note: Respondents and their representatives are not permitted to contact any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the City, other than the RFQ Contact, concerning matters regarding this RFQ. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the disqualification of the respondent and the rejection of the respondent’s quotation.
Collingwood Speed Reduction Analysis & Reporting Consulting Services
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Collingwood
Detail Of Services: This Request for Proposals is an invitation by the Town of Collingwood to prospective respondents to submit proposals for the provision of Town Wide Speed Limit Reduction Study, as further described in the RFP Particulars (the “Deliverables”).The Town of Collingwood is inviting responses to this Request for Proposal from qualified Respondents to provide a comprehensive report on town wide speed limit reductions. The successful Respondent will be responsible for reviewing effectiveness of speed reductions, reviewing applicable regulations and standard processes for setting speed limits, reviewing existing traffic data, completing town wide speed studies, facilitating community engagement, consulting with Ontario Provincial Police, and providing a report that includes findings, recommendations, and implementation costs. The successful Proponent will also be responsible for providing a summary report and presentation to Town Council. Time-frame for Delivery of Goods or Services, or the Duration of the Contract: Expectation is for the project to be completed early Q3, 2023
Questions Contact: Purchasing Department Phone: 705-445-1030 ext. 3251 Email:
Questions Deadline: November 14, 2022 at 3:30pm
Collingwood Affordable Housing Master Plan Development Consulting Services
Industry Name: Residential
Trade Name: Social Housing/Public Housing
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Collingwood
Detail Of Services: This Request for Proposals is an invitation by the Town of Collingwood to prospective respondents to submit proposals for the provision of Affordable Housing Master Plan, as further described in the RFP Particulars (the “Deliverables”).The Town of Collingwood is inviting prospective qualified respondents with diverse knowledge and experience within the Affordable Housing field to submit proposals for the provision of an Affordable Housing Master Plan addressing the following separate but closely related items: The Town of Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Master Plan, including strategic direction, strategic actions, implementation plan, potentially including actions for other stakeholders or that require private-public partnerships; and Implementation tools including forms, templates, policies, bylaws, etc., that are “Council-ready” or “public-ready”. The Town of Collingwood’s strategic vision is for people to thrive here, Collingwood offers residents and visitors a healthy lifestyle of activities in beautiful and safe settings, including an active transportation network, an inclusive multi-generational arts community with strong civic pride, an animated waterfront, and boating facilities, and is a hub of successful entrepreneurs and businesses offering rewarding jobs. However, the very lifestyle and amenities that make Collingwood such an appealing place to live are also driving up housing prices – especially as the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated housing struggles for the Town from the influx of people wishing to relocate to the area from large urban centres. Collingwood is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Canada, providing opportunities and challenges for the provision of housing that meet the needs of the community. The lack of affordable housing makes it difficult for local employers to attract and retain workers, with some employers incurring costs to house or transport their workers. Additional economic pressure related to residential activity is also increasing the development of low-rise housing forms, which is not affordable The rising cost of construction, infrastructure servicing , municipal fees/development charges, public opposition (including “Not In My Backyard” or NIMBYism), outdated public and regulatory instruments, and the time associated with approvals, are some of the barriers identified by developers to creating housing that is affordable for the local work force. The Town of Collingwood acknowledges that housing is a fundamental and universal human right. Affordable housing is not traditionally seen as a local municipal issue; however Council and Staff believe that action can and should occur at all levels of government and, in times of crisis, municipalities need to take a leadership role. The Town is seeking an Affordable Housing Master Plan that will guide ongoing decision making through strategic direction. Time-frame for Delivery of Goods or Services, or the Duration of the Contract: Anticipated time frame to complete the project is six (6) months with the option to extend if required.
Questions Contact: Purchasing Department Phone: 705-445-1030 ext. 3251 Email:
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