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Southern Ontario
Orillia Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade Program
Region Name: Southern Ontario
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Signalization
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Orillia
Detail Of Services: The City of Orillia is requesting Expressions of Interest for the Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade Program. The work to be done under this Contract shall be within the limits of The City of Orillia at locations as directed by the RFEOI Coordinator or Project Manager and includes all labour, equipment and materials to complete the project.
Questions Contact: Bidder are to submit all questions in writing through the City of Orillia Website using the Submit a Question link associated with this bid request.
Deadline for Questions: Fri May 10, 2019 4:00 PM
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=1bcc277bf5a94847a72543c14ddc4fcd
Essex Soil Steel Culvert Replacement & Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Engineering Services
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Bridges
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Essex
Detail Of Services: In 2018 a Proponent completed a detailed element by element visual assessment of the Town of Essex bridges and culverts as outlined in the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual. Material defects, performance deficiencies, and maintenance needs of each structure were identified. As a result, the Town of Essex is seeking proposals from qualified Proponents to complete Engineering Services for two Soil Steel Structure replacement, and Bridge Deck Rehabilitation within the Town of Essex as outlined in this Request for Proposal.
Questions Contact: Jackson Tang, Assistant Manager, Business Services
Fax: 519-776-7171
Email: jt***@es***.ca
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=b2ad9cb076c24620b2e48404b5349f36
FRANCOachat/CEPEO Generator Replacement โ 4 Sites
Industry Name: Educational
Trade Name: Schools
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Various
Detail Of Services: The Intent of this RFQ is to obtain quotations from Respondents to perform a Generator Replacement at 4 Sites, for a Stipulated Price contract
Questions Contact: Mario Lemieux in**@fr*********.ca
Cambridge Forbes Park Washroom Renovation RFPQ
Industry Name: Parks/Recreation
Trade Name: Park Facilities
Project Street: 16 Kribs Street
Project City: Cambridge
Detail Of Services: General Contractors are invited to submit pre-qualification information for the proposed rebuild of the Forbes Park Washroom building, located at 16 Kribs Street, in Cambridge, Ontario. The project anticipates a June 2019 tender, with commencement of construction following tender award in mid-July 2019. Completion of the rebuild for occupancy will be no later than the second week of November 2019. The budget for the construction cost, including contingency, is approximately $260,000.
Questions Contact: Ryan Scott, Manager of Purchasing
Phone: 519-740-4685, ext. 4746
Email: scottr@cambridge.ca
Eastern Ontario
DCC Heritage Stone Masonry Restoration โ Stone Sourcing
Industry Name: Government
Trade Name: Military
Project Street: 6 Moro Street
Project City: Kingston
Detail Of Services: Purpose of this Advance Procurement Notice:
This is not a bid solicitation. This is an advance notice of potential projects with anticipated cut stone material requirements. The notice is intended to provide interested stone suppliers information regarding the stone characteristics required for these projects and define the testing required to prove suitability to meet the level of acceptance. Note that there is no guarantee that these projects will proceed.
Description of the Program:
CFB Kingston maintains classified and recognized heritage limestone buildings and structures such as perimeter walls. Stone sourcing is critical to the success of the historic masonry restoration projects related to these heritage buildings. Upcoming projects include restoration work at these heritage structures which will require full replacement stone and partial Dutchman style repairs. Stone sizes very based on the Work.
The overall value of stone required for the program is estimated at $1,500,000 with the maximum value of stone required for any individual project estimated at $250,000.
The Future Masonry Restoration Projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
R33 Fort LaSalle Dormitory Masonry Restoration Phases 2 to 4
R32 Yeo Hall Masonry Restoration Phases 2 to 4
3 R30 Fort Frederick Restoration multiple phases
Kingston Armouries Restoration
Naval Dockyard Wall Restoration
Fort Frontenac Wall Restoration
7 R15/R16 Currie Mackenzie Masonry Restoration
Description of the Services:
It is intended that Stone suppliers who have met the testing requirements and approved by DCC, may have the opportunity to provide stone to the Contractor(s) undertaking the restoration work.
Stone Quality Requirements:
The replacement stone must be geologically identical to the existing stone. By geologically identical, it is meant the โmicritic limestoneโ that comes from the Gaul River Formation of southeast Ontario. Two types are alternately bedded within this formation: those that develop a distinctive white patina (calcium carbonate rich) upon aging and those that develop a distinctly buff coloured patina upon aging. For the purposes of this program supply, the selection must only come from those quarry beds that provide patinas that are distinctively white. Other types of limestone will not be accepted as they will negatively affect with regards aged patina, chemical and structural incompatibility with the existing fabric.
Stone shall be tested and minimum physical requirements for Medium Density Limestone per ASTM C568 shall be met including:
Bulk Specific Gravity > 2160 kg/m3
Water Absorption < 7.5% by weight
Modulus of Rupture > 3.4 Mpa
Compressive Strength > 28 Mpa
Abrasion Resistance> 10 Har
Accelerated patina testing shall be carried out to confirm the distinctive whitish grey age colour of calcite rich stone that is a prerequisite for matching the Kingston buildings. Dolomitic stone is not acceptable. The freeze-thaw of 400 cycles shall be carried out to establish resilience.
Quarry shall not use blast on property.
To be approved, stone suppliers must meet the testing and aesthetic requirements above. Stone suppliers must undertake testing at their own cost and must submit testing results to DCC for review prior to being accepted as an approved stone source.
Questions Contact: Cameron King
Phone: 613-541-5010 ext. 7215
Email: KNCONTRACTING@dcc-cdc.gc.ca
Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed Only to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
NRCC CRC Building M59 Floor Furnace Refurbishment
Industry Name: Government
Trade Name: Other Government Facilities
Project Street: 1200 Montreal Road
Project City: Ottawa
Detail Of Services: The National Research Council of Canada, Construction Research Centre (NRC-Const), in Ottawa, ON; is proposing to refurbish the gas supply piping, ventilation ductwork, and burners along with the burners control system of the Flooring combustion Testing Furnace in the M-59 building located at 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON.
The Flooring combustion Testing Furnace was built in 1959 the research in construction. The Flooring combustion Testing Furnace is used to test new building materials for the building code or the private sector. The NRC recently evaluated new furnace applications and concluded that the existing furnace can be improved based on new design and manufacturing standards, in particular related to Health and Safety operations. The goal of this project is to update the burners and existing gas supply to make the furnace more efficient, easier to operate and to increase the level of the equipment safety.
Questions Contact: Collin Long
Phone: 613-993-0431
Email: co*********@nr******.ca
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=5466eb3678e7420d8792a573756d1ef4
Kingston Surface Treatment Various Road
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Parking/Paving
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Kingston
Detail Of Services: Surface Treatment Various Roads โ Approximate Main Quantities are:
Single surface treatment 34,350 square metres
Double surface treatment 15,340 square metres
Full depth reclamation of granulars 15,340 square metres
Questions Contact: For inquiries, please call Ryan Costa at (613) 546-4291, extension 3159.
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=6aeeceddb9bd4b089b5f5c5922b879d0
Northern Ontario
Sault Ste. Marie Northern Community Centre Twin Pad Expansion Construction Management Services
Industry Name: Leisure/Recreation
Trade Name: Community/Rec Centre
Project Street: 556 Goulais Ave
Project City: Sault Ste. Marie
Detail Of Services: The City of Sault Ste. Marie is accepting Proposals from interested parties for the provision of Construction Management Services for the Twin Pad Arena Expansion to the Northern Community Centre.
Questions Contact: Brent Lamming, Director of Community Services
Phone: 705-759-5314
Email: b.*******@ci*****.ca
Questions shall be submitted by email only.
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=c457ecf7349c4727b3e0c63a49eb513b
DCC North Bay Various RHUs Roof Replacement
Industry Name: Government
Trade Name: Residential Housing Units
Project Street: 10 Parker Ave.
Project City: North Bay
Detail Of Services: The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary to remove roofing, vents and chimneys at various RHUs and replace with new ice and water shield, shingles and ventilators.
The Work must reach Substantial Completion no later than 98 calendar days after notification of contract award and must be completed no later than 21 calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion.
Questions Contact: Mary Kennedy
Phone: 705-494-6011 ext. 2254
Email: NBContracting@dcc-cdc.gc.ca
Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed Only to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
Project Link: http://go.databid.com/customer/ajax/helperfunctions/project/sendshare.aspx/public/projectshare/?key=8c0f0fabfa9241f1a47e7e0df7d178bc
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