Durham joins World Health Organization’s global network for age-friendly communities

who age friendly image

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Regional Municipality of Durham has joined the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.

The region is now part of a global movement of communities, cities and other sub-national levels of government that are striving to better meet the needs of older residents.

“By joining the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities, the Region of Durham reaffirms its commitment to better meet the needs of older residents. We are committed to ensuring our community is healthy, safe and happy for everyone and that residents may age with dignity,” said John Henry, regional chair and CEO.

WHO’s age-friendly framework was created to build communities that allow people to participate fully throughout their lives. This framework follows eight areas, which the Region uses to guide the creation of age-friendly environments:

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civic participation and employment
  • Communication and information
  • Community and health services

Since creating the Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan in 2017, regional council has promoted accessible services, facilities and communications; expanded accessible public transit services and retrofitted bus shelters; and provided age-friendly planning information, including the map viewer of age-friendly community assets.

The Durham Council on Aging has facilitated multiple projects, including the creation of a housing directory to assist older adults and caregivers in identifying appropriate housing options and an awareness campaign to combat negative age-related stereotypes.

Approximately one quarter of Durham Region residents are age 55 and older. It is expected that this percentage will rise to 34 per cent by 2031.

The Age-Friendly Strategy and Action Plan for Durham was designed using the information gathered from community engagement, as well as the eight WHO age-friendly dimensions. The region has implemented 50 of the 67 action items from the plan.


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