Habitat for Humanity Canada ‘Meaning of Home’ 2023

Ontario Construction News staff writer

This year’s Habitat for Humanity Canada Meaning of Home writing contest raised $302,000 and recognized three grand prize winners, nine runners up and 12,000 entries.

Participants are invited to share what home means to them – students in Grades 4, 5 and 6.

Each grand prize winner won a $30,000 grant for their local Habitat for Humanity organization. Runners-up have won a $10,000 grant for their local Habitat.

Ontario Construction News will honour the prize winners over the next few weeks.

Congratulations to Grade 4 grand prize winner –  Daphne U. (Toronto) for her entry: “No Place Like Home”. Her $30,000 grant will benefit Habitat for Humanity GTA.

No Place Like Home

Home is a place with family and friends.

It has a chain of love that never ends.

Home is more than just a house.

It’s a place for family, friends, pets or even a mouse!

To me home smells like fresh cake.

I get reminded of home whenever I bake.

Home feels safe, cozy and warm.

It is a place where I’d hide from a storm.

To me home tastes like warm hot chocolate on my lips,

and a burning mug on my fingertips.

My home sounds like my family watching T.V.

My home is a big part of me!

My home can have many looks.

One of them is a stack of books.

Habitat for Humanity builds houses for people without a home.

It might even have a garden gnome!

I try to help my community too.

Everyone can, including you!


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