Major construction projects completed at Milliken, Agincourt GO stations

Upgrades are now complete at the Angincourt and Milliken Go stations (EllisDon photo)

Ontario Construction News staff writer

EllisDon has completed several major infrastructure projects at the Milliken and Agincourt GO stations along the Stouffville line.

“These major infrastructure improvements will increase safety and accessibility for customers while supporting future two-way, all-day, 15-minute train service between Toronto and Markham,” said Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria. “Through historic investments, our government is building a reliable and connected transit network for generations to come.”

steeles ave underpass
The new underpass along Steeles Avenue improves safety and traffic flow in the community ( EllisDon photo)

Work at Milliken GO Station included:

  • New pedestrian tunnels, elevators, and platforms, upgrades at Milliken GO
  • Direct platform access from Steeles Avenue East
  • Improved passenger pick-up and drop-off area and increased bicycle storage
  • New bike lanes on Steeles Avenue East to provide cyclists with safer access to the station

The improved Agincourt GO Station provides customers with several newly enhanced amenities, including:

  • A new passenger pick-up and drop-off to make it safer and easier for customers to get to and from the station
  • A new second track and platform and renovated existing platform to support future two-way, all-day service so trains can travel both ways on the Stouffville Line
  • Two new pedestrian tunnels with elevators and stairs to improve accessibility for commuters
  • Canopies and integrated shelters on the platforms to protect customers from the elements
  • Better connection to Sheppard Avenue at the south end of the platforms
angicourt go train
A Go train passes through the newly upgraded Angincourt Station (EllisDon photo)

“Upgrades along the Stouffville Line will ensure the necessary transit infrastructure is in place to support our growing population while delivering safer, faster, and more convenient travel options for commuters,” said Todd McCarthy, associate minister of transportation.

In March 2023, the Government of Ontario committed $70.5 billion to build new and improved public transit over the next 10 years. By 2031, the province will introduce two-way, all-day GO train service, every 15 minutes between Unionville GO Station and Union Station with up to 2,000 GO train trips per week on the Stouffville Line, compared with the current level of 164 per week.

“The upgrades at Milliken and Agincourt GO prepare the Stouffville corridor for future electrification, and service every 15 minutes or better between Unionville GO and Union Station,โ€ said Metrolinx CEO Phil Verster. โ€œTogether with the work along the Stouffville line – at Unionville GO, the Steeles Avenue grade separation, adding a second track, and new connections to a rapid transit network at East Harbour and Kennedy GO – residents in Toronto and Markham will have more options to get everywhere they need to go in both directions, every day of the week.”


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