Most unions settle with RESCON for GTA residential construction agreements, but electricians could strike

ibew 386
IBEW local 383 representatives participate at the national day of mourning on April 26 (Photo courtesy Meaghan Horn)

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Most unions โ€“ but the electricians โ€“ have agreed to new three year contracts with the Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON), by the time collective bargaining agreements expired in the Greater Toronto Area on April 30.

RESCON says that most collective agreements have been renewed without a labour disruption for residential construction in the GTA. While some agreements are still being negotiated, the low-rise electricians have voted against a settlement, the association representing employers said in a statement.

Under labour legislation, the union representing residential low-rise electricians (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers local 383) is entitled to engage in lawful strike activities. RESCON has advised members that labour disputes are inherently unpredictable and lend themselves to rumours and misinformation.

Residential construction builders, stakeholders and homeowners must keep this in mind to ensure the information they receive is accurate.

At this time, it is impossible to know the potential duration or breadth of the labour disruptions. However, it is important to remember that the labour legislation which governs residential construction in the GTA mandates a return-to-work date no later than June 15.

RESCON says in a statement that it will continue to monitor residential negotiations and advise interested parties on updates as they become available.


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