ORBA to host COVID-19 Vaccination and the Workplace webinar

orba covid vaccine webinar

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Ontario Road Buildersโ€™ Association (ORBA) will host a complimentary webinar, COVID 19 Vaccination and the Workplace, on April 8, from 12 to 1 p.m.

The webinar will be presented by Keith Burkhardt of Sherrard Kuzz LLP,ย  a labour and employment law expert.

With COVID-19 vaccination within reach for most Canadians, many employers want to know if they can require employees and, in some cases, customers to be vaccinated once vaccines are readily available. Employers are also uncertain about the information they can collect about vaccination and whether widespread vaccination in the workplace means fewer health and safety protocols such as distancing, masking and disinfecting.

Burkhardt will share his expertise on these issues in the webinar, which will include an interactive, question and answer segment.

โ€œORBA is very pleased to be presenting this timely webinar, COVID-19 Vaccination and the Workplace,โ€ said ORBA CEO Bryan Hocking. โ€œA year out from when the pandemic first hit, we are still navigating unchartered territory when it comes to the workplace and vaccinations. We look forward to Keithโ€™s insights into this issue.โ€

ORBA launched its first webinar series COVID-19 and the Road Building Industry from May 1 to June 26, 2020. A second series was presented from Aug. 13 to Oct. 31, 2020 that covered not only COVID-19 and occupational health and safety issues but diversity and inclusion and mental health in the industry.

These webinars were attended by more than 600 members and industry stakeholders. ย ย ย ย ย ย  Recordings of these webinars are available on ORBAโ€™s webinar archive library. ORBA will continue to provide webinar programming through 2021.

You can click here to register for the April 8 webinar.


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