Ontario Construction News staff writer
The Niagara District Airport Commission has released a Request for Proposal to find a third party to operate and grow the Niagara District Airport.
“The Niagara District Airport continues to be a valuable asset to the transportation and tourism infrastructure of Niagara,” said Robin Garrett, chair of the commission. “To continue to grow the facility we are moving forward with a process to identify a partner who shares the same vision for Niagara – a thriving, international tourism hub where quality fo life is enhanced by expanding our connectivity within Canada and beyond.”
The airport opened in 1929 and is operated by the NDAC which includes the cities of St. Catharines and Niagara Falls and the Town of Niagara-on-the-lake.
The successful bidder will “support the capital investments necessary to ensure the long-term success of the airport, continue to establish a niche in the air sector and further enhance the value of the airport to the economic development of business.”
For the airport to reach its potential, Garrett says the region needs “a partner to direct the operations and manage the investment in the facility.”
RFP documents are available on MERX and Bonfire.
“Growing economies, growing communities and growing businesses all rely on access,” said Dan Pilon, CEO of the Niagara District Airport.
“We look forward to finding a third party who feels as optimistic regarding the growth of our airport as we do.”
Along with improving the airport’s competitiveness and efficiency, the partner will facilitate increased infrastructure investments.
“Finding the capital dollars to do so will certainly be challenging for any municipality at this time,” the project website states. “ Therefore, the municipal partners are looking to find a third party, private sector entity that is willing to support those necessary investments.”
The RFP closes Oct. 20.