Sault Ste. Marie affordable housing project gets provincial funds

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Ontario government is providing almost $4.4 million to build 39 affordable housing units in Sault Ste. Marie.

The Community Resource Centre Project is a former elementary school that will be converted into a shelter.

โ€œWe are also continuing to work to expand access to mental health and addiction support for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness,โ€ said Hosing Minister Steve Clark. โ€œCommunity and supportive housing is a critical component of our commitment to build 1.5 million new homes by 2031, which will ensure that all Ontarians, especially our most vulnerable, have a home that meets their needs and budget.โ€

The social services relief fund has provided over $1.2 billion throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, to help municipal service managers and Indigenous program administrators create longer-term housing solutions.

The Ontario government is also providing an additional $25 million annually in a new program to simplify ad streamline operations.

The District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board (DSSMSSAB) was allocated almost $7 million through the SSRF.

“I commend the DSSMSSAB and their partners for their continued dedication to this project,โ€ said Sault Ste. Marie MPP Ross Romano โ€œThe Community Resource Centre Project is an example of strong partnerships coming together to support the most vulnerable in our community and create housing opportunities for people who need it most.

โ€œBringing together wrap-around services for mental health and addictions, employment and education as well as other crucial services and supports in one location will improve service delivery.”


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