Skilled Trades Ontario releases strategic plan to shape the future of apprenticeship


Ontario Construction News

Ontario’s skilled trades agency has unveiled a framework for its first strategic plan that aims to shape the future of apprenticeship in the province. The framework was shared with more than 250 industry leaders, educators, and apprentices for feedback at Skilled Trades Ontario’s first-ever industry summit on apprenticeship. Called Unleashing Ontario’s Potential, the one-day event was held at the Toronto Congress Centre on May 3.

“The labour shortage is a critical challenge for Ontario – and it is more pressing now than ever before,” said Melissa Young, CEO/Registrar, Skilled Trades Ontario. “With one in five jobs predicted to be in the skilled trades by 2026, we need to take action to attract and inspire the next generation of skilled trades professionals. Our strategic plan will provide a clear roadmap for driving growth in the sector and positioning Ontario as a leader in apprenticeship.”

Skilled Trades Ontario in a statement said its strategic framework is built on four pillars to guide the provincial government agency’s work over the next three years:

Supporting an innovative apprenticeship and certification model

Promoting and advancing the skilled trades

Facilitating research in the skilled trades

Building a diverse, equitable, inclusive skilled trades sector

“The skilled trades industry is the backbone of our economy, and we need to prepare the next generation for these life-changing careers,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “Our government has tasked Skilled Trades Ontario with a clear mandate to simplify the system and bring the skilled trades system in our province into the 21st century.”

Stakeholders were invited to provide their feedback into the pillars of the strategic plan throughout the day. Sessions included a fireside chat attended by apprentices, employers, educators, and labour organization representatives, as well as an interactive, facilitated workshop discussion.

Skilled Trades Ontario says it will release its 2023-2026 strategic plan this summer.


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