Bus Duct Replacement

    Published on: 7th August, 2019
    Categories: Civil
    Bidding ends: 26th August, 2019
    Location: Toronto, Ontario
    Reference: Tender # 225-2019
    Tender Details:

    CC Reference: 4772098

    NOTICE TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS CONTRACT NO. 19-081-98116 Tender Call No. 225-2019

    Tenders are invited from Electrical Contractors for the following project:

    Food Building Bus Duct Replacement

    SCOPE OF WORK Supply and installation of new 2000A, 120/208V, 3-phase, 4-wire bus duct to replace existing bus duct including switchboard breaker modifications, disconnect switch bus plugs, mounting accessories, wiring, conduits and removals.

    SEALED TENDER FORMS must be addressed to the Corporate Secretary of the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place, Toronto, and must be delivered by hand (facsimile and or post office mail are not acceptable) to General Services Building, Capital Works Department, 2 Manitoba Drive, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 3C3, no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on:

    August 26, 2019


    Envelopes containing tenders must be plainly marked as to contents.

    Tender forms, plans and specifications shall be obtained as of August 02, 2019 at the Finance Department, Purchasing & Materials Management Division, 19th Floor, West Tower, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto (Telephone 416-392-7319). A non-refundable fee of $141.25 (inclusive of $16.25 HST) in the form of cash or a cheque made payable to the City of Toronto Treasurer is required for each set of documents.

    A mandatory pre-tender site tour will be held on August 13, 2019, at 3:00 PM at the Operations Boardroom (3rd Floor), General Services Building, 2 Manitoba Drive, Exhibition Place.

    Conditions relating to tendering, as prescribed in the Form of Tender and Specifications, must be strictly complied with. The lowest, or any tender, is not necessarily accepted. In the event that only one (1) submission is received, Exhibition Place reserves the right to either reject the Tender or negotiate with the sole Bidder.

    The Board is bound by the Fair Wage policies of the City of Toronto regarding the construction industry.


    How to apply:

    For further information, contact Sunney D’Souza of Purchasing and Material Management Division at e-mail: Sunney.DSouza@toronto.ca or fax: 416-397-7779