Bid Opening Results Notice
University Health Network (UHN) and Plexxus conducted a virtual meeting for the respondents and interested public to officially open the bids for the below mentioned Request for Quotation (RFQ) on September 20, 2021, at 2 PM ET:
RFQ Number: 1979696666
Name of the Facility and Project: Hillcrest Reactivation Centre – Scope B Renovation
Tender Type: Invitational second-stage, open only to the prequalified General Contractors of GC-3 category (RFSQ No. CW557517)
RFQ Publication Date: July 14, 2021
RFQ Closing Date: September 10, 2021
The bid opening committee was comprised of UHN and Plexxus representatives. The public opening was witnessed by a Ministry of Health representative and attended by the respondents.
Only the bids of the compliant respondents, who passed the mandatory requirements, were opened publicly using the Ontario Tenders Portal:
Respondents Total Base Bid Price (excl. HST)
Chart Construction Management Inc. $9,200,900.00
Brown Daniels Associates $9,294,000.00
Dineen Construction Corporation $10,258,000.00
Compass Construction Resources Ltd. $10,943,584.00
All bids received are subject to audit and review prior to any recommendation for award; no questions concerning the bids were answered during the public opening. Upon opening the Ontario Tenders Portal’s Commercial Envelope, the opening committee announced the names of respondents and their bid amounts.