Ontario Construction News staff writer
The Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) is bringing together industry experts in March for a series of Dig Safe Workshops presented free of charge.
Click on the links to register for the workshops taking place from 8 a.m. to noon either Tuesday or Wednesday, allowing participants to bounce in and out, to stay for as long as needed, to accommodate individual schedule and needs. There is no fee to attend.
Sessions target excavators and contractors involved in oil and gas, electric, water and sewer, telecom and trenchless industries, municipal and public works departments, One Call Center members/owners and operators, utility locate service providers, utility locate administrators, engineers, insurance claims and risk management operations, and others who protect the underground infrastructure and impact damage prevention.
Presenters and topics:
- Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) – Excavation safety and regulatory compliance
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) – Who is responsible for obtaining a valid locate?
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) – On-site and excess soil management regulation
- Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) – Root cause analysis report: Underground Utility Strikes
- Electrical Safety Association (ESA) – Powerline safety – STOP-LOOK-LIVE
- Ontario One Call (OOC) – Introduction to Ontario One Call
- Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) – Subsurface utility engineering
- and its return on investment
- Locate Solutions Working Group (LSWG) – Late utility locates update
- Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) – Association training initiatives and update