Toronto’s new 30-foot wooden owl topped off near Don River

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Toronto’s new 30-foot wooden owl has been completed near the mouth of the Don River. Construction crews used a crane to place the snowy owl’s head atop its body.

Construction crews topped off a giant structure recently, placing a snowy owl’s head onto its body using a crane.

Located in a new park and visible from Commissioners Street and the Cherry Street South bridge, the owl, designed and built by Monstrum, features a stage in its belly and play elements such as a drum, bells, and talk tubes for childrenโ€™s performances. Its eyes serve as windows, and the surrounding seating is shaped like a nest. MVVA handled the landscape design.

Additionally, a raccoon-themed play structure has been constructed at a nearby picnic area, allowing children to play while in view of their caregivers.

Designed and built by Monstrum, the 30 feet tall wooden owl has a stage in its belly and also boasts sound play features including a drum, bells, and talk tubes for children to perform impromptu or imaginative shows.

Landscape design was completed by MVVA.

The wooden owl has a stage in its belly and play features including a drum, bells, and talk tubes for children to perform impromptu or imaginative shows. Itโ€™s eyes also function as windows and the seating around the structure is in the shape of a nest.


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