Ontario Construction News staff writer
Erin council is holding public meetings today (Sept. 22) for three separate draft plan of subdivision and zoning bylaw amendment requests.
All together, the proposals are for about 900 homes.
The total size of all three developments will reach 77ย hectares.
One of the sites from EC (Erin) GP Inc. (Empire) is part of Erin Heights Golf Course, occupied by a nine-hole golf course, a clubhouse, three residential buildings and a maintenance shed. In 2019, Credit Valley Conservation Authority staked the environmental features and their associated buffers, and the developable portion of lands were severed from the rest of the property.
Existing structures on the property are listed within Erinโs Heritage Inventory, as structures with heritage significance. The applicant is proposing to demolish the structures to facilitate the construction of the proposed residential subdivision. The applicant is proposing to construct 197 single detached dwellings on lots with minimum frontages ranging from 8.2 metres to 11.6 metres, minimum lot depths of 28.0 metres, two-storeys in height. The applicant is also proposing 91 street townhouse dwelling units, which are proposed to be 6.1 metres in width.
Across town, two separate projects are proposing more than 600 single detached and condo townhomes.
A neighbour has submitted written comments including a request for an eight-foot fence on the property line, an assurance that light pollution of streetlights be minimized, an inquiry on whether or not the bridge at the southern part of Eighth Line is going to be preserved, and a confirmation of the expected construction timeframe.