R&M Construction – #9129 – Humber Creek Restoration in Chapman Valley Park West of Scarlett Road – City of Toronto


    Publication Date: 31st March, 2022
    Location of premises

    City of Toronto

    Humber Creek Restoration in Chapman Valley Park West of Scarlett Road


    Restoration of an exposed sanitary siphon, a failing storm sewer outfall and restoration of channel bed and banks, including the installation of a new pipe extension and headwall.

    Substantially performed: 25th March, 2022
    Certificate signed: 25th March, 2022


    Name of Owner
    City of Toronto - ATT: Daniel McCreery
    Address of Owner
    Metro Hall 55 John Street, 20th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6
    Name of Contractor
    560789 Ontario Limited o/a R&M Construction
    Address of Contractor
    254 Main Street North, Acton, ON L7J 1W9
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Ed Gazendam, Ph.D., P.Eng.
    Address of Payment Certifier
    25 Water St. S., Cambridge, ON N1R 3C7

    Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:

    Claims for Lien are to be submitted to the Clerk of the City of Toronto electronically as directed at www.toronto.ca/liens.