CSC Ottawa chapter names 2019/20 executive


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Ottawa chapter’s 2019-20 executive took office at its annual general meeting on May 8.

Jeff Halashewski will be the chapter director and the chair will be Brian Hepworth, serving the second year of his two-year term.

Other executive members include: Chapter treasurer – Justin Tudor, officer, education – Ali Ahrabi; officer, programming – Hanan Raghib; officer, engineering – Chris Vopni; officer, communications – Mark Buckshon; liaison – Hanan Raghib; and chapter advisor and nominations – John Cooke. (Buckshon is president of the Construction News and Report Group of Companies, which publishes Ontario Construction News.)

Tudor provided a financial statement, showing the chapter had a net surplus in it accounts of $70,752. The 2019-20 budget projects a net income of $7,140 with the greatest revenue coming from the chapter’s ongoing education services.

In his presentation, Hepworth said he is looking forward “to building on what we have done this past year as we work towards holding the national conference right here in Ottawa in a few years.”

“For the upcoming 2019/2020, I intend to work to improve communication between the executive and the membership, increase membership involvement with the executive (many hands make for light work!) and increase our membership numbers,” he said.


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