Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from DataBid.com. You can access this list by registering for a free subscription to Ontario Construction News.
Southern Ontario
UG University Centre Food Court – Phase 2 Equipment
Industry Name: Educational
Trade Name: College/University
Project Street: 117 College Avenue East
Project City: Guelph
Detail Of Services: UC Food Court – Phase 2 Equipment. Delivery to be coordinated with construction project on or about May 31st, 2020.
Questions Contact: Mark Kenny Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 58668 Email:
Questions Deadline: March 11, 2020 at 10:00am
University of Waterloo High Speed IR Camera & High Speed Video Camera
Industry Name: Educational
Trade Name: College/University
Project Street: University of Waterloo
Project City: Waterloo
Detail Of Services: The Centre for Advanced Materials Joining (CAMJ) is Canada’s largest academic lab researching welding and Joining. The lab carries out process and metallurgical research into the science of various welding techniques such as resistance, laser, and gas metal arc welding processes as well as a variety of microjoining processes. To support this research, high speed video and thermography is required to visualize the high speed mechanisms and thermal distributions that are occurring during the welding process. All videos systems needed will need to be able to image the welding processes, which are backlit from the welding arc and laser making details from the unlit base material difficult to image and any thermography will need to be able to measure a high variation in temperature from room temperature base material to that of molten steel (>1600°C). Furthermore, all equipment must be both portable, allowing use on all CAMJ welding equipment and protective from molten spatter inherent to the welding process.
Questions Contact: Terry Taylor Phone: 519-888-4567, Ext. 33982 Email:
Deadline for Questions: March 9, 2020 at 4:30 PM
Middlesex County Curb and Gutter
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Sidewalks/Curbs/Gutters/Driveways
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Various/Multiple
Detail Of Services: To Supply Labour, Equipment and Materials to remove and replace sections of concrete curb and gutter throughout Middlesex County
Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity prior to: Mon Mar 2, 2020 12:00:00 PM
Eastern Ontario
TOH HVAC Repair Services As Needed
Industry Name: Medical
Trade Name: Hospitals
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Ottawa
Detail Of Services: The Ottawa Hospital is seeking proposals for the provision of various HVAC repair services on an as needed basis, for a period of 1 year, plus an option of two (2) terms of two-year extension at the Purchaser’s sole discretion. The Agreement pursuant to this RFP is meant for HVAC repairs only and cannot be used to undertake replacements or do Capital projects. The intent is to create separate Agreements pursuant to this RFP, per Job category – Category A: Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Services and Category B: Ventilation Services including duct cleaning. Proponents are allowed to bid one job category or both, should they be qualified to provide the services.
Questions Contact: Direct all questions via email to: Bid Administrator Email:
Hastings Highlands Hot Mix Pavement
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Parking/Paving
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Hastings Highlands
Detail Of Services: For the supply and apply of Hot mix Pavement on various municipal roads.
Questions Contact: Adrian Tomasini Operations Manager Phone: 613-338-2811 Cell: 613-334-6198 Email:
University of Ottawa 15kV Vault Modification Electrical Contractors Prequalification
Industry Name: Educational
Trade Name: College/University
Project Street: 125 University Private
Project City: Ottawa
Detail Of Services: The University of Ottawa is seeking to prequalify up to 4 electrical contractors who are experienced and qualified to perform modifications to a 15 KiloVolt vault on Campus. Work includes replacement of existing 15kV transformers and breakers, splicing of cabling to existing PILC cables and construction of a cement wall to divide the space in the vault. The work is to be carried out during the summer months with substantial completion set for August 31, 2020.
Questions Contact: Lyn McDiarmid Phone: 613-286-6651 ext. 1342 Email:
Northern Ontario
Fort Frances Long Range Waste Management Plan
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Landfill/Waste Management
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Fort Frances
Detail Of Services: The Town of Fort Frances wishes to obtain proposals from a qualified firm to prepare a long range waste management plan for the Town of Fort Frances.
Questions Contact: Craig Miller, P.Eng. Environmental Superintendent Phone: 807-274-9893 ext. 1313 Email:
KPDSB Crolancia School Fire Alarm System Upgrade
Industry Name: Educational
Trade Name: Schools
Project Street: 1 Trudel Drive
Project City: Pickle Lake
Detail Of Services: Fire Alarm System Upgrade – Crolancia School, Pickle Lake, ON
Questions Contact:
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