DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from You can access this list by registering for a free subscription to Ontario Construction News.

Northern Ontario

NCAAT Kirkland Lake Campus Reroofing – Building A, B, K & M

Industry Name: Educational

Trade Name: College/University

Project Street: 140 Government Rd. E.

Project City: Kirkland Lake

Detail Of Services: Northern College requests the submission of lump sum tenders for the replacement of the roof, approximately 20,150sf at their Kirkland Lake Campus.

Questions Contact: Audrey Pullen Phone: 705-267-6438 Email:


Project Link:

Eastern Ontario

Hastings Marsh Drive Mansard Siding Replacement

Industry Name: Residential

Trade Name: Social Housing/Public Housing

Project Street: Marsh Drive

Project City: Belleville

Detail Of Services: Replacement of Mansard Siding on ten (10) Townhouse Units at 1-19 Marsh Drive, Belleville, ON.

Questions Contact: Purchasing Department Phone: (613)966-7780 Email:


Project Link:

Tay Valley Township/Lanark Highlands Iron Mine Road Rehabilitation

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: Iron Mine Road

Project City: Various

Detail Of Services: Tender for Rehabilitation of Iron Mine Road.

Questions Contact: Amanda Mabo Clerk Phone: 613-267-5353, Ext. 130 Email:


All questions shall be submitted in writing by email.  Deadline for Questions: at least two (2) business days prior to the submission due date.

Project Link:

Bracebridge Municipal Cemetery Landscaping

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control

Project Street: 19 Lilac Lane

Project City: Bracebridge

Detail Of Services: Municipal Cemetery Landscaping.

Questions Contact: Tina Arbuckle, Deputy Clerk Email:


Project Link:

Southern Ontario

DCC Contaminated Sites Assessment & Monitoring Source List

Industry Name: Government

Trade Name: Military

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Various/Multiple

Detail Of Services: In accordance with the rules, regulations, statutes, guidelines and the professional associations of the provinces where the commissions will be managed, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is calling for abbreviated proposals from consulting firms to establish a Source List (SL) to provide “as and when required” professional services specific to Department of National Defence (DND) requirements at various locations in Ontario. Locations include but are not limited to Borden, Petawawa, Trenton, Kingston, Toronto, and North Bay.  The objective of this Request for Abbreviated Proposals (RFAP) is to select three (3) firms, who will be placed on a SL with DCC to provide services on an “as and when required” basis to a maximum estimated value of $5,000,000.00, for a period of three (3) years from the date of establishment.  If mutually agreeable between the Consultant and DCC, the SL may be extended for up to o to two (2) additional 1-year periods and increased in the order of $2,000,000 at any time during the duration of the SL, resulting in a total possible maximum value of $7,000,000.  Commissions under the SL are expected to be valued between $40,000 and $300,000; the maximum value of a commission is $400,000.

Questions Contact: Camille Attia Phone: 613-990-4342 Email:


Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed Only to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.

Project Link:

GEDSB Caledonia Natural Playground Supply & Build

Industry Name: Leisure/Parks/Recreation

Trade Name: Parks/Playgrounds

Project Street: 110 Shetland St.

Project City: Caledonia

Detail Of Services: Caledonia Centennial Public School Parent Advisory Committee has been working on a plan to upgrade the grounds of the school. Nature’s Instruments was hired to provide project design and recommended budgets. The project has been broken down into 3 phases of work, to be quoted and completed as funds become available. The first phase of work is contained within this Request for Quotation.  This Request for Quotation shall determine a qualified Contractor that will Consult, Site Preparation, Build, Install, Provide Time & Materials for a playground at Caledonia Centennial Public School based on the design provided.  The scope of work has been divided into the following Sections:  • Section 1 – Climbing Wall & Slide • Section 2 – Outdoor Classroom • Section 3 – Sideways Tree Climb • Section 4 – Trees, Shrubs, Rocks & Sod • Section 5 – Weeping Tile, Additional Fill, Site Prep, Removal & Permits The successful Proponent(s) shall Consult, Site Preparation, Build, Install, provide Time & Materials for natural playground equipment, (unless otherwise specified) as per design provided at Caledonia Centennial Public School at 110 Shetland Street, Caledonia, ON, N3W 2H1.  The completed project must comply with design provided in Appendix B- Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds, Caledonia Centennial-Phase 1.

Questions Contact: Lisa Summerhayes Purchasing Clerk Phone: 519 756 6301 Ext 281294 Email:


Project Link:

Huron County Housing & Property Services Napier Street Interior Renovations

Industry Name: Residential

Trade Name: Social Housing/Public Housing

Project Street: 57 Napier Street

Project City: Goderich

Detail Of Services: Bids are invited to supply all labour, materials, and equipment necessary for first floor interior renovations at 57 Napier Street, Goderich, ON.

Questions Contact: Housing & Property Services Phone: (519) 482-8505 Fax: (519) 482-1632

Project Link:

Markham John Street Multi Use Pathway Construction

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Parking/Paving

Project Street: John Street

Project City: Markham

Detail Of Services: The City is soliciting bids for John Street Multi-Use Pathway Construction. The work includes but is not limited to the removal of an existing sidewalk and the construction of a concrete multi use path located on the north side of John Street from east of Bayview Avenue to Rodick Road/Alden Road.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity prior to: Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:00 PM

Project Link:

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