DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

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Eastern Ontario

LDSB JR Henderson Public School New Catch Basin

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: 361 Roosevelt Dr.

Project City: Kingston

Detail Of Services: JR Henderson Public School New Catch Basin Project Scope:• This project will take place at JR Henderson Public School located at 361 Roosevelt Dr, Kingston, ON.• The contractor will excavate existing native material and rock as required to install a new catch basin and required pipework.• The contractor will core into the existing MH on-site using a wet coring process.• The new catch basin and pipework will be insulated and backfilled with granular as per the project drawings and compact to 98% SPMDD.• Existing culvert will be removed and asphalt path reinstated.• Ditches and surrounding area will be regraded to allow for drainage to the new catch basin and reinstate with 100mm of topsoil and sod.• The contractor will water the sod until the roots are established approximately 2 weeks.• All work is to be completed during July and August.

Questions Contact: Tim Farrance, Capital Projects Phone: 613-544-6925 ext. 252 Email:


LDSB Polson Park Public School Accessible Path

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: 1165 Robert Wallace Dr.

Project City: Kingston

Detail Of Services: Polson Park Public School Accessible Path Project Scope:• This project will take place at Polson Park Public School located at 1165 Robert Wallace Dr, Kingston, ON.• The contractor will excavate existing native material in preparation for granular fill as per the attached Drawing.• Excavate and dispose of existing sand and pea stone play surfaces to a depth of 305mm.• Tape off existing play structures with caution tape and post do not use signs.• Install granular fill as per the project drawings and compact to 98% SPMDD.• Provide a new asphalt surface as per the attached Drawing.• Grade surrounding area as required and reinstate with 100mm of topsoil and sod.• The contractor will water the sod until the roots are established approximately 2 weeks.• All work is to be completed during July and August.

Questions Contact: Tim Farrance, Capital Projects Phone: 613-544-6925 ext. 252 Email:


LDSB Centennial Public School Path Project

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: 120 Norman Rogers Dr.

Project City: Kingston

Detail Of Services: Centennial Public School Path Project Scope:• This project will take place at Centennial Public School located at 120 Norman Rogers Drive, Kingston, ON.• The contractor will excavate existing native material in preparation for granular fill as per the attached Drawing.• Install two (2) new CSP culverts and backfill accordingly.• Install granular fill as per the project drawings and compact to 98% SPMDD.• Install new concrete ramp on Cliff Crescent as per details on the attached Drawing.• Provide a new asphalt surface as per the attached Drawing.• Grade surrounding area as required and reinstate with 100mm of topsoil and sod.• The contractor will water the sod until the roots are established approximately 2 weeks.• All work is to be completed during July and August.

Questions Contact: Tim Farrance, Capital Projects Phone: 613-544-6925 ext. 252 Email:


Southern Ontario

Toronto Scarborough District General Maintenance

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Toronto

Detail Of Services: Request for Tenders (RFT) for Repairs to Culverts, Driveways, Ditches, Shoulders, and Guiderails in Scarborough District: Wards 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.Contract No.22TR-OM-116-SC-DCDelivery Schedule for Goods or Services OR Contract Duration:45 Working Days

Questions Contact: Buyer: Di Petta, Nicolet Phone number: 416-338-5583 Email:


Toronto Bloor Street West Culvert No. 319 Replacement

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: Bloor Street West

Project City: Toronto

Detail Of Services: Request for Tender for the Replacement of culvert no. 319, Bloor St. West over Elmcrest Creek. Contract No.22ECS-BE-04BSEDelivery Schedule for Goods or Services OR Contract Duration:250 Calendar days after the Commencement Date, including Christmas shutdown

Questions Contact: Buyer: Jayaprakash, Gokult Phone number: 416-397-4815 Email:


Toronto Scarborough District Improvements

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Highway/Roadwork

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Toronto

Detail Of Services: Request for Tenders (RFT) for Critical Interim Repairs to Roads, Sidewalks, Bus Bays, Curbs, Concrete Pad Construction, and Tactile Walking Surface Indicator Plate Installation in Scarborough District, Wards: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.Contract No.22TR-OM-114-SC-TM Delivery Schedule for Goods or Services OR Contract Duration: 40 Days

Questions Contact: Buyer: Di Petta, Nicolet Phone number: 416-338-5583 Email:


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