DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from You can receive unlimited access to this list by registering for a Gold subscription to Ontario Construction News.

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Eastern Ontario

Stirling Rawdon Harold Hall Demolition

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Demolition/Structure Moving

Project Street: 4285 Stirling-Marmora Road

Project City: Stirling

Detail Of Services: Removal of Harold Hall for Health and Safety Reasons. It is anticipated that the front wall with step down side walls could possibly be maintained.

Questions Contact: Roxanne Hearnscao

Ottawa Terry Fox 1 Stormwater Management Pond Forebay Clean Out

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sitework/Clearing/Tree Removal

Project Street: 470 Terry Fox Drive

Project City: Ottawa

Detail Of Services: Supply all labour, materials and equipment to perform project SW-1209-22 Clean-Out of Terry Fox #1 stormwater management pond forebay in accordance with the specifications and drawings attached and referenced herein.

Questions Contact: Dyhanna Hall 613-580-2424 ext. 22656 Question Acceptance Deadline 2022/07/29 11:59:00 PM

Northern Ontario

Greater Sudbury Traffic Signal Equipment Removal & Installation Services

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Signalization

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Sudbury

Detail Of Services: Traffic Signal Equipment Removal and Installation Services Refer to the Bid Solicitation Document for all details, timelines and/or conditions, if applicable, regarding this procurement.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents may be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: Wed Aug 3, 2022 12:00:00 PM (EDT) Cheryl Brisson Email:

Greater Sudbury Sewers & Associated Laterals CCTV Camera Inspection & Clearing

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sewer/Drainage Utilities

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Sudbury

Detail Of Services: CCTV Camera Inspections, Clearing of Sewers and Associated Laterals Refer to the Bid Solicitation Document for all details, timelines and/or conditions, if applicable, regarding this procurement.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents may be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: Mon Aug 8, 2022 12:00:00 PM (EDT) Cheryl Brisson Email:

Southern Ontario

Richmond Hill Park Projects Electrical Engineering Consultant Roster Candidates

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Parking/Paving

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Richmond Hill

Detail Of Services: Request for Roster Candidates For the Provision of Electrical Engineering Consulting Services for Park Projects in the City of Richmond Hill

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: August 3, 2022 at 2:00pm

Plexxus/SJHC NICU Parent Lounge Renovation

Industry Name: Medical

Trade Name: Hospitals

Project Street: 30 The Queensway

Project City: Toronto

Detail Of Services: St. Joseph’s Health Centre (SJHC) is looking for a qualified contractor to renovate the Parent Lounge located at the 1st floor of the Garron Family Our Lady of Mercy (OLM) wing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) that serves as lounge space for new parents.

Questions Contact: Bidders may direct questions or seek additional information through the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) eTendering System online messaging function on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions to the RFB Contact. The time stamp on questions submitted by Bidder’s through the OTP online messaging function shall be used to determine if the question was received on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the RFB Contact or designate. Deadline for Questions: July 21, 2022 at 2:00pm

Plexxus/SMH Redevelopment Preliminary Design Development & Contract Administrator

Industry Name: Medical

Trade Name: Hospitals

Project Street: 200 Fletcher Crescent

Project City: Alliston

Detail Of Services: It is SMH’s priority to initiate and to complete both Stage 3: Preliminary Design Development and Stage 4: Contract Document Development as quickly as possible in an effort to begin construction in 2025.

Questions Contact: Bidders may direct questions or seek additional information through the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) eTendering System online messaging function on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions to the RFB Contact. The time stamp on questions submitted by Bidder’s through the OTP online messaging function shall be used to determine if the question was received on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the RFB Contact or designate. Deadline for Questions: August 12, 2022

Readers wishing to access the complete daily public file can subscribe at the Platinum level and receive access to all of the day’s listings, upwards of 50 or more opportunities. Monthly and annual subscriptions are available.


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