DataBid: Current project leads and opportunities

databid nov. 23

Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from You can receive unlimited access to this list by registering for a Gold subscription to Ontario Construction News.

Eastern Ontario

Muskoka Silver Road Bridge & Pre-Muskoka River Crossing Rehabilitation Consulting Services

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Bridges/Pedestrian Bridges

Project Street: Silver Road

Project City: Bracebridge

Detail Of Services: Request for Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Silver Road Bridge and Pre-Muskoka River Crossing. The District is seeking a consultant to carry out all consultation services for the completion of the rehabilitation of two structures known as Silver Bridge – Structure ID #016001 and Pre-Muskoka River Crossing – Structure ID #16002, located on Muskoka Road 16 in the Town of Bracebridge. The successful proponent will arrange for the completion and carrying out of all improvements, obtaining all necessary permits and approvals, finalizing the design plans, specifications, procurement documentation in District format, and providing contract administration and inspection duties.

Questions Contact: All proposal inquiries shall be directed in writing by email to


and must include contract number 313-23-A-22 in the subject line and made to the attention of Clay Newman on or before the time indicated under section “Summary of Events”

Kingston Chown Memorial Parking Structure 2023 Restoration

Industry Name: Transportation

Trade Name: Parking Garages

Project Street: 197 Brock Street

Project City: Kingston

Detail Of Services: The City of Kingston (the City) is seeking to retain a Contractor to complete the proposed 2023 restoration work at the Chown Memorial Parking Structure located at 197 Brock St., Kingston, Ontario. The scope of work for the 2023 Restoration project includes, but is not limited to: Repair of deteriorated concrete topping, soffit, beam, wall and column surfaces, Replacement and installation of crack and joint sealant, Electrical/Mechanical Upgrades, Installation of new stairwell doors, Installation of new bird screens along concrete ledges, Replacement of hanging light wire supports, Repainting of traffic lines, Application of a concrete surface sealer,

Questions Contact: Question Deadline12/01/2022 04:00:00 PM ET For the purposes of this procurement process, the “RFP Contact” will be: Richard Mitchell, P.Eng, Project Manager, Facilities Management and Construction Services


Kingston Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Maintenance Dredging

Industry Name: Water/Marine Construction

Trade Name: Dredging

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Kingston

Detail Of Services: In general terms, the purpose of this procurement is to select a qualified contractor which provides the best value for the money to provide all construction and related services required for Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Maintenance Dredging in the City of Kingston (the “Project”).

Questions Contact: The deadline for all enquiries shall be 4:00 p.m. Local Time, Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Northern Ontario

OSS/Ontario Parks Algonquin Provincial Park Line Clearing Services

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Sitework/Clearing/Tree Removal

Project Street: Ontario Highway 60

Project City: Whitney

Detail Of Services: The Ministry is looking to obtain a Vendor for the provision of Hydro Line Clearing Services in four separate areas of Algonquin Provincial Park. Work will consist of clearing powerlines and joint use line corridors of any vegetation that may cause interference and as described in the Deliverables. The Vendor will be required to complete work as detailed prior to March 31, 2023.

Questions Contact: Bidders may direct questions or seek additional information through the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) eTendering System online messaging function on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions to the RFB Contact. The time stamp on questions submitted by Bidder’s through the OTP online messaging function shall be used to determine if the question was received on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the RFB Contact or designate.

OSS/MTO Crushing & Stockpiling Granular A

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Gravel Supply/Spread/Dust Suppression

Project Street: Highway 129

Project City: Sault Ste Marie

Detail Of Services: Crushing and stockpiling Granular A on Highway 129, 6.5 kilometres North of Lafoe Creek for the purpose of use on ministry rehabilitation projects on Highway 129 between Thessalon and Chapleau for the future construction seasons.

Questions Contact: Bidders may direct questions or seek additional information through the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) eTendering System online messaging function on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions to the RFB Contact. The time stamp on questions submitted by Bidder’s through the OTP online messaging function shall be used to determine if the question was received on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the RFB Contact or designate.

Southern Ontario

Niagara Region Supply & Deliver Junction Boxes

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Parking/Paving

Project Street: 3547 Thorold Townline Road North

Project City: Niagara Falls

Detail Of Services: Supply and Delivery of Junction Boxes – Product Specifications shall meet or be equal to the following technical requirements: Hubbell concrete polymer junction box 13” x 24” x 12” and 13” x 24” x 18” complete with lid (logo – electric) and penta bolts. Must be rated for 15,000 / 22,500 lbs. Lid must be fastened to the box using two stainless steel penta bolts. Please refer to specifications attached as Appendix D – Junction Box Specifications.

Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Issuing Authority via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity prior to: Mon Nov 28, 2022, 12:00:00 PM

Mississauga Transitway Glass Partition Installation

Industry Name: Transportation

Trade Name: Transit Station

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Mississauga

Detail Of Services: The purpose of this Request for Expression of Interest is to determine if there is sufficient market interest from competent, proven and qualified service providers for the provision of all materials and installation of Transitway glass partitions at two (2) stations: Dixie Station and Cawthra Station and at five (5) additional stations in future years, in order to possibly proceed with a competitive procurement process.

Questions Contact: Bill Inglis, Buyer Phone: 905-615-3200 ext. 4097 Email:


If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity, please direct your inquiry to the contact person listed in the bid document. You may also contact the City of Mississauga Materiel Management section by calling 905-615-3200, extension 5233 or by email at:



Mississauga On-Demand Irrigation Maintenance & Repairs

Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities

Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control

Project Street: Various/Multiple

Project City: Mississauga

Detail Of Services: The City of Mississauga (the “City”) requires Irrigation System Maintenance and Repair services from a competent, qualified Bidder for Park irrigation and water services as identified for regular maintenance and repair. The contract term is for three (3) years.

Questions Contact: Bill Inglis, Buyer Phone: 905-615-3200 ext. 4097 Email:


If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity, please direct your inquiry to the contact person listed in the bid document. You may also contact the City of Mississauga Materiel Management section by calling 905-615-3200, extension 5233 or by email at:



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