Each day, Ontario Construction News publishes a daily feed for project opportunities from DataBid.com.
Eastern Ontario
North Dundas Supply & Install Fencing Operations Centre
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Fencing
Project Street: 12269 CR43
Project City: Winchester
Detail Of Services: The Township of North Dundas would like to have chain link fencing and gates supplied and installed at their Operations Centre located at 12269 CR43, Winchester, ON.
Questions Contact: Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be submitted via the Submit a Question button for the selected bid opportunity. Question Deadline: Tue Aug 1, 2023 3:00 PM
NCC Parliament Hill Escarpment Vegetation Management Services – North Slope
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Ottawa
Detail Of Services: The National Capital Commission (NCC) is seeking specialized landscape maintenance as well as other related services on the north slope of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the National Capital. Work Includes invasive species management, selective pruning, slope stabilization and erosion control, soil improvement and the planting of thousands of new trees, shrubs and perennials.
Questions Contact: Enquiries regarding this Bid Solicitation must be submitted in writing by email to Micheline Al-Koutsi, Senior Contract Officer
as early as possible within the solicitation period. Enquiries should be received no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the date set for solicitation closing to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Enquiries received after that time may result in an answer not being provided. To ensure consistency and quality of the information provided to all Proponents, the Senior Contract Officer shall examine the content of the enquiry and shall decide whether to issue an amendment. All enquiries and other communications related to this proposal sent throughout the solicitation period are to be directed Only to the Senior Contract Officer named above.
South Glengarry Nor’Westers & Loyalist Museum Kitchen Renovation Project
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Landscaping/Snow Control
Project Street: 19651 John St./County Rd. 17
Project City: Williamstown
Detail Of Services: The Township of South Glengarry invites Proponents to provide proposals for the kitchen renovation of the Glengarry, Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum
Questions Contact: All questions or requests for clarification shall be emailed to the General Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Sherry-Lynn Servage no later than 4:00 p.m. on, August 3, 2023. E-Mail:
Northern Ontario
Sioux Lookout Highway 72 Water & Sanitary Service Extensions Engineering Services
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Water Utilities/Watermain
Project Street: Various/Multiple
Project City: Sioux Lookout
Detail Of Services: There is a request for proposal for professional engineering services pertaining to detailed designs, specifications, construction tendering, and contract administration for Highway 72 water and sanitary sewer service extensions in urban Sioux Lookout and Pelican Park Lift Station, submarine forcemain, and sanitary sewer main upgrades in urban Sioux Lookout.
Questions Contact: –
Southern Ontario
Bruce County Three Cable Guide Rail & Flex Beam Installation
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Guard Rails
Project Street: Bruce County Road 20
Project City: Various/Multiple
Detail Of Services: The work includes all labour, equipment and materials required to supply and install guiderail, posts and anchors including removals.
Questions Contact: Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this tender document shall be made in writing only, via Bonfire Hub. Questions related to this bid are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System only by clicking on the Ask a Question button associated with this bid opportunity. All enquiries relative to this RFT shall be directed to: Main Contact: Sherri Dillon – Buyer County of Bruce – Corporate Services Department
Deadline for Questions:
Cambridge Preston Arena Early Works Demolition
Industry Name: Heavy/Highway/Utilities
Trade Name: Demolition/Structure Moving
Project Street: 1458 Hamilton Street
Project City: Cambridge
Detail Of Services: This Request for Tender (the “RFT”) is an invitation by the City of Cambridge (the “City”) to prospective bidders to submit bids for Cambridge Preston Arena – Early Works Demolition, as further described in Section A of the RFT Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).Work includes the demolition and removal of three existing buildings designated as “Phase 1 Demolition” on “Drawing SP1.2 Existing & Demolition Site Plan”: 1400 Hamilton Street (approximately 761 m²), 1414 Hamilton Street (approximately 630 m²), and 1458 Hamilton Street (approximately 1,147 m²), and all foundations and buried tanks in their entirety. Demolition also includes removal of all elements indicated as demolished and/or removed within 20 feet of the building face. Removal of all existing mechanical systems, ductwork, electrical services and systems are part of the Work
Questions Contact: Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this tender document shall be made in writing only, via Bonfire Hub. Questions related to this bid are to be submitted to the Project Representative through the Bidding System only by clicking on the Ask a Question button associated with this bid opportunity. Dave Mawdsley Manager of Procurement Email:
Note: Respondents and their representatives are not permitted to contact any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the City, other than the Contact, concerning matters regarding this project. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the disqualification of the respondent and the rejection of the respondent’s submission.
Essex Harrow Arena Exterior Repairs
Industry Name: Leisure/Parks/Recreation
Trade Name: Arenas/Stadiums
Project Street: 243 McAffee Street
Project City: Harrow
Detail Of Services: The Town of Essex is looking for a qualified tenderer to do the Harrow Arena Exterior repairs at 243 McAffee Street, Harrow, Ontario. The expectation of this project is to stop water penetration into the building, removal all unneeded features on building exterior (vents, openings) and conduct repairs and maintenance to the exterior of the building to extend the useful life expectance of the building.
Questions Contact: Jackson Tang Phone: 519-776-7336 ext. 1123 Email:
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