Doug Ford visits Washington with Ontario Infrastructure Minister Laurie Scott to promote infrastructure, P3 investment and expertise

ford with scott
Premier Doug Ford (right) and Infrastructure Minster Laurie Scott with Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz.

By Robin MacLennan

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Ontario’s Premier and Minister of Infrastructure spent two days in Washington, D.C. last week, to highlight the province as a destination for infrastructure investments and to discuss public-private partnership (P3) expertise.

“Ontario has a successful track record of using the P3 model to deliver some of the province’s largest and most complex projects on time and on budget,” Minister Laurie Scott said in a statement prior to the Dec. 3 and 4 conference.

“By reaching out to our neighbours in the United States, we are showcasing our infrastructure expertise, encouraging innovation and spreading the message that Ontario is one of the best places to build and invest.”

While in Washington, Minister Scott joined Joe Hockey, Australian Ambassador to the United States, in a panel discussion at the P3 Government Conference – an annual event advertised as “the premier project delivery conference for local, state and federal agencies focused on transportation and rail, water, wastewater and stormwater, public buildings and social infrastructure, airports. resiliency and environmental planning and energy.

According to the minister’s Twitter, they discussed approaches to P3 development, and how approaches to partnership, procurement and project delivery have led to internationally renowned infrastructure programs.

Along with Premier Doug Ford, Scott met with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz on Wednesday. Governor Hogan, chair of the National Governors Association, is slated to lead an infrastructure study tour to Toronto in April 2020.

“With our global partners, we are open and ready to collaborate on delivering innovative infrastructure that improves people’s everyday lives, Scott said.

Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement following the meeting”:

“Today, Minister Scott and I met with Governor Hogan and Secretary Schulz and committed to strengthening trade ties with Maryland. By expanding trade and exploring ways to further economic development with our partners in the United States, we will help businesses grow and create jobs on both sides of the border.

Ford said the group “agreed to explore opportunities for partnerships to help deliver successful infrastructure projects.

“We had a productive discussion about the upcoming NGA Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. in February 2020 and the planned NGA Study Tour to Toronto in April 2020,” Ford said, adding that he reaffirmed Ontario’s support for the Chair’s Initiative on infrastructure.

Ontario is investing $144 billion over the next decade in strategic infrastructure projects, including the single largest capital investment in new subway builds in Canadian history.

“Ontario is prepared to work with Governor Hogan and political leaders across North America to solve these pressing challenges and modernize our infrastructure in ways that will grow our economy, create jobs, and meet the needs of the 21st century,” the premier concluded.

In 2018, the province’s exports to US markets topped $152.5 billion USD. Legislation passed last spring to allow Infrastructure Ontario to provide consulting services to jurisdictions outside Ontario – across Canada and internationally.

More than 800 public sector and private industry leaders attended the conference.


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