Proposed legislation would give province ability to deliver priority transit projects


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Ontario has introduced legislation that will deliver four priority subway projects faster in the Greater Toronto Area.

“In order to keep up with the tremendous growth in the region, we have to build modern, efficient rapid transit,” said Caroline Mulroney, minister of transportation. “It will not only generate years of employment but will allow us to better connect a world-class city and develop transit-oriented communities,” she said.

The Building Transit Faster Act would provide the province with the tools to expedite the planning, design and construction process that has delayed major projects in the past. If passed, the legislation would remove roadblocks and give the Province the ability needed to deliver projects faster by:

  • relocating utilities more efficiently while treating businesses fairly, and ensuring costs are not passed on to consumers
  • ensuring the assembly of land required to construct stations, conduct tunneling and prepare sites, while treating property owners fairly
  • providing timely access to municipal services and rights-of-way
  • allowing Ontario to inspect and remove physical barriers with appropriate notification to property owners
  • ensuring nearby developments or construction projects are coordinated so they do not delay the four priority subway projects

The proposed legislation includes steps to make the relocation of utilities more efficient by requiring their infrastructure to be moved within a set timeframe and introduces a structured and consistent process for engaging and coordinating work.

The projects include the all-new Ontario Line, the Yonge North Subway Extension, the three-stop Scarborough Subway Extension, and the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, and will address the increasing demand for safe and reliable transportation options.

“Not only will this proposed legislation get people riding the trains earlier, but it will ensure that the province is best positioned to attract new business and keep our best and brightest here in Ontario,” said Kinga Surma, Associate Minister of Transportation (GTA).

Ontario remains committed to partnering with the City of Toronto to remove roadblocks, engaging with residents and businesses on each project, and consulting with Indigenous communities to ensure Aboriginal and treaty rights and interests are considered in the decision-making process.

In April 2019, the province announced its historic new transportation vision, with an estimated cost of $28.5 billion. This includes four priority transit projects: the all-new Ontario Line; a three-stop Scarborough Subway Extension; the Yonge North Subway Extension; and the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension.


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