Ontario Construction News staff writer
In a lunch and learn session to be held on June 5, participants will learn how to promote mental health in their workplaces through greater understanding of the concept.
By learning how to recognize symptoms and risk factors of mental illness, and by defining terms like mental health and illness, and mental health problems, attendees can foster an inclusive and positive environment where they work.
The session will also debunk many myths surrounding mental health, and understand the impact mental health of workers can affect a workplace.
Jackie Faulkner, president and co-founder of Thrive State Inc., will present the Lunch Box session, to be held the Barrie Construction Association main office on Wednesday.
Thrive State is a Barrie-based consultation and facilitation team that strives to improve business function. It offers team building, strategic planning, employee engagement, and mental health education services.
Barrie Construction Association presents Lunchbox Series sessions over the lunch hour to discuss the latest industry news and changes, and to provide lessons to guide participants in running successful businesses.
According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, 70 per cent of Canadian employees are concerned about the psychological health and safety of their workplace, and 14 per cent don’t think theirs is healthy or safe at all, but workplaces can play an essential part in maintaining positive mental health.