Ontario Construction News staff writer
Just Working Construction, a Waterloo-based business, won top honours and $10,000 in the Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) 2022 health and safety leadership awards.
The 2022 Elizabeth Witmer Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards, announced last week, recognize health and safety achievements of independently owned and operated businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
“Congratulations to our gold, silver and bronze levels winners – each of you should be proud for your continued commitment to the health and safety of your team and customers,” WSIB officials said.
Just Working Construction Inc. was recognized with the gold award for providing newcomers to Canada employment so they can re-learn the trades, for holding daily, weekly and monthly health-and-safety meetings and translating new policies and procedures to ensure staff understanding.
Sudbury’s Northern Equipment Rentals won the silver award and Diamond Tree Care and Consulting Inc. of Georgetown won bronze.
Northern Equipment has been a leader in equipment and crane rentals in Sudbury for more than 40 years. To boost employee engagement in 2022, they formalized health-and-safety communication, enabling employees to document maintenance needs, post photos of hazards, and write daily messages of encouragement.