Consulting engineers from across Canada recognized for outstanding contributions to the industry and society


Ontario Construction News staff writer

From designing world renowned facilities and iconic bridges, to addressing public access and mobility issues within a community, to improving water and sanitation services here at home and abroad, the work of consulting engineering firms was on full display in Ottawa on Oct. 29, as 20 projects received Awards of Excellence for their technical excellence and their contributions to society at the 2019 Canadian Consulting Engineering (CCE) Awards gala.

In addition, five Special Achievement Awards were also presented to the projects that best demonstrated: technical innovation; dedication to the environment; Canadian expertise abroad; and how engineering enhances Canadians’ social, economic or cultural quality of life. Winners were selected by independent jurors with distinguished and varied backgrounds.

The CCE Awards have been presented for 51 years. “This is an opportunity to recognize the valuable contributions that Canadian consulting engineers make both here at home and around the world on a national stage,” said ACEC President and CEO John Gamble, “they highlight the role that consulting engineers play in our daily lives and the important impact that their work has on all Canadians.”

Three awards were also presented to deserving individuals. The 2019 Beaubien Award for lifetime achievement which was presented to Francois Plourde of CIMA+. The 2020 Allen D. Williams scholarship, recognizing a young professional’s commitment to consulting engineering, was awarded to Nicholas C. Kaminski of KGS Group. Finally, this year’s Chair’s Award for exceptional contributions to the industry was bestowed to Jean-Marc Carrière, former ACEC vice-president of finance and administration, who retired at the end of September after 21 years of service to the association and the consulting engineering industry.

In addition, three ACEC member firms were recognized for having recently been presented with international awards by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) in Mexico City this past September. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. received a FIDIC Award of Merit for its Squamish Integrated Flood Hazard Management Plan project. Stantec and Tetra Tech Canada Inc. received a FIDIC Award of Special Merit for the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway project.


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