Ontario Construction News staff writer
IAMGOLD says the Côté Gold construction project near Timmins has reached 90.6 per cent completion.
In a construction progress update this month, the company said production at the site is expected to begin in early 2024.
In September, the project workforce averaged between 1,800 and 1,900 workers on site. Activities at site have started the shift from major construction to finalization and commissioning. Labour availability and turnover continues to be a primary focus for Côté.
Highlights of Q3 2023 Côté Gold construction progress
- Overall project progress for Côté Gold was estimated to be 90.6% complete, with construction progress approximately 92% complete.
- Strong performance on health and safety during peak construction with over 1,800 workers at site – bringing total project hours worked to 13.2 million hours with a project-to-date TRIFR of 0.68.
- Earthworks on the TMF has allowed the dams to achieve elevation milestones to enable the filling of the TMF with water to store the 1.1 – 1.5 million cubic metres required for commissioning and initial operation.
- Demobilizing contractor with IAMGOLD operating teams successfully taking control of pit, dewatering, pioneer drilling and overburden stockpile activities from the contractor.
- Significant progress in the dry and wet areas of the process facility, as bulk construction activities are winding down, ushering in the finishing and completion stages.
- Electrification of the site is ongoing following connection to the provincial hydro grid.
- Commissioning and Pre-commissioning teams are working with construction teams to coordinate the overlapping of pre-operation activities with remaining construction.
- Autonomous mining haul trucks have continued to ramp up, with ten CAT 793F currently operating autonomously and a total of fourteen commissioned.
- Mining activities have built the current ore stockpile to 3.7 million tonnes of material, on track to the target build-up of 5.0 million tonnes by the end of the year.
- Hiring of key positions for operations has progressed well with 400 roles filled to date.
“It is an exciting time for IAMGOLD as we near the finish line of construction at Côté and start a new chapter at IAMGOLD,” said Renaud Adams, president CEO. “This is a project that is critical for the repositioning of this company, as when Côté Gold comes online, the company will have a significantly higher production base and lower cost profile.
“We have seen remarkable progress and transformation of the project.”
As of Sept. 30, 2023, on an overall project progress basis, Côté Gold was estimated to be 90.6% complete, with construction progress approximately 92% complete.
Construction of the project started in the third quarter 2020 and major earthworks commenced in the first quarter 2021.